General changes and bugs.

9 posts Member
edited May 2016
Anyone hoping to see something changed place it here. Anyone having any bugs place them here.

In general we need more teamwork to be included in guild raids. I have mentioned this before it is all competition based and there is absolutely no teamwork in raids and guilds.

We definitely need more ways to receive in game currency (not crystals, but coin specifically). Many people have characters to promote ex cetera and are stuck due to being broke in game and with the level cap raises one after another.

Im sure this has been brought up before, but PLEASE let me add more than 35 players. I can invite 50 players to my guild (which they all want to add me and each other), and we need space for PvP ex cetera, but we can only have 35 friends? With this we would need a way to manually select which ally to take into battle. This way were not CONSTANTLY going back in and forth to find the one ally leader we need for the instance and the constant removal of friends to search for other specific leaders all of which we already do. A general redo of the friends list.

Intelligence/Tank challenge awards need to be revamped. As in we need something we can use for completing it or info on if we will be in the future using those items?

We NEED more dark side healers please. I understand side mechanics, but seriously it is extremely hard getting those 3 stars we need to SIM for items ex cetera even when I go with a Talia/Daka leader combo I still get messed up or won't get the 3*s I need. Am I having problems on the light side with Maul and my all Jedi team? Sure, but no where near as bad as the non healing dark side mechanics. It is all AoE go hard or go home which does not work when you have to face 3 instances of 3 elites without heals.

I don't know how others feel, but there is many posts complaining about GW. My only complaint is that is should be shorter. Put all the same rewards into a smaller battle scenario. Even 3 less battles would help I feel, but in general in needs a redo somehow.

Current bugs I know of are Ventress healing with her regular attack since guild update. Talia's heal consuming HP while protection is on (it had not for a while I do not know how it is intended to work). Teebo's stealth is still overly flawed (this has been brought up before) as in stealth not properly showing for the turn removal factor or maybe the bug is in that feature itself. Im sure there are others I can't remember right now.


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