About time to fix...

15 posts Member
edited May 2016
Kylo Ren gaining the -50% health bonus when above 50%

Dodges while stunned. (Really?)

Dodge in general.

Rancor using devour while it should be on cooldown.

Omega fives. Seriously, lower the health/protection or lower the counter damage bonus.

Dodge. Fix this. It is to the point of insanity. Cap it. I know..i mentioned it twice.

Make more leader abilities viable. Shouldn't be that hard.

Increase gold from gw. Seriously, it shouldnt be so hard to come by. You already make buckets of cash on this game. Stop squeezing us for EVERY resource.

Add more characters to farm from gw, arena, and cantina. There are plenty of characters who are chromium only.

Add a **** refresh button to the guild chat!!

Yea...thats enough for now.

Post edited by Kolo_Roke on


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
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    The guild invite system. It doesn't let you see anyone to invite and guilds are next to impossible to grow. Credits- way too few way too slow. Gear system - too tedious boring takes away from other elements. These three elements are sucking the fun out of the game.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    Definitely scale rewards from GW up with level. It wouldn't be as much of a drag if you got decent credits for your trouble.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Suggestions and complaints go to the trashcan over there :smile: -EA
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    So many problems with this game that common sense could fix and make it a much more enjoyable expirence. Ohh well. Life's a beech then ya die
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    I wish i dodged this thread
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    Post on Reddit if you actually want them to take notice.
    Some guy posted on the SWGOH subreddit asking for an animation to show that JC's -1 cooldown had proc'd. Got a reply within hours from a dev who said they'd look into it. Meanwhile people post on here for weeks requesting perfectly reasonable bug fixes and adjustments and get completely ignored.
    This forum is essentially a containment board where they can keep our complaints in a vacuum. They can control and moderate what we say, move/delete threads they don't like, etc. Keeps complaints under their control and out of the public space.
  • Options
    Rancor ability works as written
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    ...and as described in the rancor abilities.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    Suggestions and complaints go to the trashcan over there :smile: -EA

    I had a poll going on the horrible drop rate of shards in hard battles. Those that agreed it was a problem were the majority, but obviously someone at EA didn't like it so the thread was conveniently "closed".
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Suggestions and complaints go to the trashcan over there :smile: -EA

    I had a poll going on the horrible drop rate of shards in hard battles. Those that agreed it was a problem were the majority, but obviously someone at EA didn't like it so the thread was conveniently "closed".

    Ah yes but you can increase the amount of shard that drop if you keep refreshing the hard nodes! That's the solution to most problems in this game, keep spending those crystals!
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Options
    Kolo_Roke wrote: »
    Rancor using devour while it should be on cooldown.
    I believe on that you're seeing the cooldown reducing effect of the Rancor Slam.

    Cooldown at 1, Rancor Slam on first attack drops a toon below 50%, Rancor Devours for his second attack, cooldown resets.

    Works as advertised. They do need to change the cooldown number immediately when that procs though.
  • Options
    Kolo_Roke wrote: »
    Rancor using devour while it should be on cooldown.
    I believe on that you're seeing the cooldown reducing effect of the Rancor Slam.

    Cooldown at 1, Rancor Slam on first attack drops a toon below 50%, Rancor Devours for his second attack, cooldown resets.

    Works as advertised. They do need to change the cooldown number immediately when that procs though.

    No, im seeing a cd of 2 turns, then being devoured immediately following the slam. Others in my guild have noticed this as well. Very annoying when you are trying to time your escapes. (Btw...60%? LOL)
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