My review of recent updates concerning Protection and Level 80

133 posts Member
edited May 2016
I. Area Damage
Although Protection succeeds in serving its purpose, which is to prevent high damage dealer from killing target using very short amount of turns in order for the battle to be more in accordance with the intended mechanics of the game concerning various classes of toons, I think it offsets the impact of Area Damage thus offsets the impact of toons who rely on dealing it (IG-88, Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, Lando Calrissian, Asajj Ventress):

IG-88 (Heal immunity; Area damage)

Darth Sidious (Heal immunity; Area damage)

Darth Maul (double damage against Jedi; Area damage)

Lando Calrissian (Basic Attack; Area damage)

Asajj Ventress (Baic Attack; Dispel; Area damage)

My suggestion:
Have Area Damage reduces protection at double amount of Single Target Damage does protection.

II. Toons left behind after change of battle
As we know, after Protection is implemented and Level cap increases to 80, battle has shifted away from burst damage within first turn or two to a much more durable battle where survivability and consistent damage are required. However, this change of battle leaves some toons behind, who rely on generating power from killing enemy toon, and whose lack of survivability and consistent damage was merely covered by battle that ended quickly before their survivability and consistent damage can be put into test.

Those toons that are left behind, by order of severity, are Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Asajj Ventress (Unfortunately it is them again).

My suggestion:

Darth Sidious:
Deathstroke – Deal Physical damage to target enemy with 30% chance to inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns (instead of 100% chance for 3 turns so we can give his potency back without people complaining about his healing immunity in Galatic War). This attack reduces both Protection and Health (so that his Basic Damage can be useful in Arena without being a threat in Galatic War).

Demoralizing Blows - Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Damage over Time for 2 Turns. This attack inflicts an additional Damage over Time effect on Critical Hit (He seriously needs his Potency back).

Sadistic Glee (level 7) – Darth Sidious recovers 20% of his Max Health and Protection (before implement of Protection, he relied on recovering his overall Hit Point (health) to survive since he has one of the lowest HP (health); however, since implement of Protection does not alter the fact that he still has one of the lowest HP(Health+Protection), it is logical that he still recover 20% of his total HP (Health+ Protection), otherwise the sheer recovery of a part of his total HP, Health, is less effective than how his recovery was before. However, some may question that "why not Healers also heal Protection according to the logic of your argument?", my answer to that question is that because Healers heal much more percentage of their health (40%-80%) not to mention Healer heal the whole team instead of healing just themselves, therefore the effect of healing from Healers is sufficient comparing to the amount of recovery Darth Sidious does to his own health) and gain 15% of his Power (Damage, Max Health, Armor, Resistance) up whenever any unit is defeated up to 75%, with a 25% chance to also gain 50% Turn Meter. In addition, he has +20% (instead of 35%, because 35% dodge rate sometimes I feel like 50% dodge rate in actual battle, which I don't know why) Evasion against Jedi attacks (In this way, he can finally be competent in battle without dodging excessively and meaninglessly).

Darth Maul:
Raging Storm – Deal Physical damage to target enemy, gain 75% (instead of 100%) Turn Meter and a 50% chance to gain Offense Up for 2 turns when enemy struck falls below 30% health (instead of finishing blow). This attack deals double against Jedi.

Whirling Blades – Deal Physical damage to all enemies and gains Evasion Up for 3 turns (so that he has survivability). This attack deals double against Jedi.

Power of Hatred – Whenever an enemy's health falls below 30% (instead of an enemy is killed), Darth Maul gains bonuses for the rest of the encounter: first enemy grants 20% Critical Chance, second 20% Evasion, and third 15% Health Recover on hit.

Asajj Ventress:
Cruel Strike – Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance (instead of 35% because increased chance of stun can offset the reduction of impact of each successful stun caused by general survivability of toons being increased more proportionally than general damage of toons is) to Stun for 1 turn.

Endless Wrath – Deal Special damage to all enemies and refresh all cooldowns when an enemy struck falls below 30% health (instead of on a finishing blow).

Rampage – Whenever any ally or enemy falls below 30% health (instead of being defeated), Asajj Ventress gains Offense and Critical Chance Up for one action, with a 25% chance to also gain 32.5% Turn Meter.

Note: the reason why I think Asajj Ventress and Darth Maul should gain their Effects at 30% enemy Health is that Protection of toons accounts for 60% of their Heath, thus when enemy is at 30% Health, the total Hit Point that is reduced accounts for 130% amount of their Health, which is the same amount of reduction of Hit Point it required for Asajj Ventress and Darth Maul to have their Effects (100%) plus 30% extra owing to Protection having less value than Health does as Protection can't be healed and takes double amount of Area Damage. I choose to let Darth Sidious keep his current requirement for gaining his Effects, which of course is harder than before owing to general increase of Hit Point of toons caused by implement of Protection, because I choose to make his Effects stronger once their requirement is fulfilled.

So above are my opinions.
Please feel free to discuss with me about anything I have mentioned so far or to share your thoughts on my review or to share your own opinions.

Post edited by Oliverwilliohelma on


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    That was very hard to read.

    'which is to prevent high damage dealer from killing target using very short amount of turns in order for the battle to be more in accordance with the intended mechanics of the game concerning various classes of toons'

    Punctuation is your friend.

    And I disagree, Sidious deserves no buff. Maul and Asajj do though as they have never been good.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    Maul could be very good with a little more speed and/or health and armor.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Increase Maul's and Asajj's speed to respectable levels and fix Asajj's AI so she's actually worth using. Leave Sidious alone because no one likes him :smile: and bring Palpatine into the game. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Sidious deserves no buff. Maul and Asajj do though as they have never been good.

    I think I am able to understand your point of view where you have been a good veteran player and experienced raise and fall of Darth Sidious since November, 2015.
    However, as a new player since April, I literally spent 28 days farming Darth Sidious from Arena Shipment and I can tell you that he is not "useful earlier, obsolete later", but he is "useless earlier, useless later" --a totally benched character.
    While I can agree with you that he doesn't deserve a buff given that some players such as yourself has had him for 6 month where he once was good, I believe the only premises for him to deserve to be benched is that he was once a champion, which, however, does not hold true for new players.

    Fine bench him. But remove him from arena shipment, don't let us WASTE our time farming for him.
    If you let us new players farm him for ALMOST ONE MONTH, you had better make him NOT sitting on a bench!

    Could you understand my point of view?
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