Isn't this suspicious ? Bot, Hack or What the ?

107 posts Member
edited May 2016
Look at those screenshots please... he has even 7* gg. I understand he or she can be very rich and paid like thousands of dollars. but then who levels his or her unused chars to exact same level. than again you can say that it is a illness or something. but I have seen similar players like this one. and there is one more in the same server and one more in my friend's server.



  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    I did the same thing. I leveled all my characters in tiers while I worked on their gear. If you're working on the weaker toons and just gearing up their blues/greens, they don't need to be purple gear level. So it saves you credits/droids in the meantime. Once they're geared up to the purple mark, then you increase their level.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    Nothing that says hack or cheat here. Some people just like things a certain way. OCD, but not a hack.
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