Following forum advice for 7 star Yoda w/video

12 posts Member
All gear lvl VIII - IX
All abilities lvl 7+ (Omega)

Luminara Lead - lvl 76
QGJ - lvl 77
Ahsoka - lvl 74
JC - lvl 75
Eeth Koth - lvl 73

At it for 5 hours.

1. 3 mins: Best attempt with QGJ lead:
2. 25 mins:
3. 20 mins:


  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Don't have QGJ
  • Jopa_Tice
    160 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Have mace instead of QGJ
    And only enough Omegas for basic attack.

    But really, should 7* Yoda only be available for P2P?
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    Jopa_Tice wrote: »
    Have mace instead of QGJ

    What you see is what I got. Those are my 7 star Jedi.
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    Best advice I can give you is save QGJ's dispel special until Yoda has heal over time or offense up.
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    Get some beer. I was able to land debuffs after I dispelled his tenacity up. When you dispel his tenacity up, it doesn't give your squad offense up, which is actually an advantage because yoda goes nuclear with O up. Eventually you will land a stun or something. I was able to do a lot of damage with Ahsoka. Eventually you will get a run with a lot of lumi evades as well. Most important step is to get some beer
  • Options
    Mazurka wrote: »
    Most important step is to get some beer

  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    Mazurka wrote: »
    Get some beer. I was able to land debuffs after I dispelled his tenacity up. When you dispel his tenacity up, it doesn't give your squad offense up, which is actually an advantage because yoda goes nuclear with O up. Eventually you will land a stun or something. I was able to do a lot of damage with Ahsoka. Eventually you will get a run with a lot of lumi evades as well. Most important step is to get some beer

    At this point, you might as well give the money you were giving to EA to a "companion" - you still get screwed, but at least you'll enjoy it more.
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    Yoda was easy... 4 Jedi's 70 g8 qgj 78 g9 no omegas. Use Barris as lead or u get one shot. Next find a team with Barris on it, I had barris/aylia. Killed aylia then dropped Barris to red, Barris heals and drops Yoda to 40%, now kill Yoda ignore Barris as she hits weak. Only use basic attacks on yoda, and keep foresight off of him at all times.
  • Options
    ok guys, I finally beat Yoda after over 25 tries. Here are my thoughts:

    1) You need some LUCK. Unless you have an insanely powerful squad, you will get destroyed easily. I got lucky in that Yoda never one-shotted me during the match I won. My team is fairly ordinary: 7*/gear VIII for all members: lumi, qgj, eeth, old ben, and JC. The other part of my luck was that the first jedi Yoda killed was old Ben, which boosted my entire team.

    2) refresh until you get a match in which Bariss is one of Yoda's helper.

    Kill the other helper (non-bariss) first. It must be timed with Bariss' turn meter so that she doesn't heal halfway into your kill.

    Then attack Bariss until she is red. Let her heal then and decrease Yoda's health accordingly. Go in to kill Yoda and Bariss. Your team must obviously remain fairly intact all the while (see #1). Use JC to heal, and use Lumi's heal with the anticipation that Yoda will steal it right after. Then use qgj's humbling blow to dispel it.

    Good luck. I think luck is the greatest factor. Don't let other players on the forum tell you otherwise (as if they were somehow smarter than you)

  • Options
    Calhoun wrote: »
    Mazurka wrote: »
    Get some beer. I was able to land debuffs after I dispelled his tenacity up. When you dispel his tenacity up, it doesn't give your squad offense up, which is actually an advantage because yoda goes nuclear with O up. Eventually you will land a stun or something. I was able to do a lot of damage with Ahsoka. Eventually you will get a run with a lot of lumi evades as well. Most important step is to get some beer

    At this point, you might as well give the money you were giving to EA to a "companion" - you still get screwed, but at least you'll enjoy it more.

    You wouldn't be saying that if you've seen what the whores in my town look like.
  • Options
    I have 7 star, lumi, jc, old ben, kit, and qgj. Gear 8 need the rare gear and no omega. Do I have a chance?
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    I have 7 star, lumi, jc, old ben, kit, and qgj. Gear 8 need the rare gear and no omega. Do I have a chance?

    You can beat it given the info here.
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    7 hours now... From now on I believe no one without video proof. This is unbeatable with my team - absolutely unacceptable that I need 4/5 characters with a group heal to beat this. My 3/5 are not cutting it.

    Going after Yoda doesn't work.
    Killing Barriss's partner and then making her heal doesn't work (Yoda will 1 shot both my healers back to back from 100%). Hell, I just got hit for 19,200 without offense up. GG Yoda.

    I have given an hour of video footage to back my claims, and so far no one is doing anything besides spouting rhetoric and apologetics for EA.
  • Options
    Been at it 5 hours. Tried the Barris thing multiple times. Only got close twice then yoda kills all 5 of my chars. Lumi 76, qgj 77, mace 74, ahsoka 76, and jc 75. All gear 8/9, all maxed skills, omegas on qgj and ahsoka. I'm seriously thinking about quitting.
  • Num1Dago
    30 posts Member
    Lol I'm with ya bro. I've been at it all day and tried all suggestions and still can't beat this little green ****. I'm with Mazurka on getting beer.
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    You can close the thread. I uninstalled the game. I think I'll go get that beer now.
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    I'll plus one everything here. There's no way I'm getting yoda, spent ages getting 7* ready, and now get one shotted. Very very disappointed.
  • Unimatrix
    283 posts Member
    Getting beer seems to be the most reliable advice here. I guess we'll do that first then.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Calhoun is your Eeth able to stun Yoda when his tenacity isn't up? Mine did once and I did a lot of damage in that period.

    My QG also had successful debuts.

    L78 QG gear 10
    L75 Lumi gear 8
    L70 Ashoka gear 8
    L70 Eeth gear 8
    L70 Barris gear 8 (lead)

    One thing I noticed is that Eeth was able to stun him on two different tries. Once each on attempts 2 and 3 and QG was able to get offense up 75% of the time(here gear 10 helps as he got an extra 40% potency)

    But compared to earlier descriptions Yoda has significantly less tenacity than before and QG rebuffs before tenacity up is applied so don't worry about debugging with tenacity up. So don't be afraid to use your specials on him.

    I fought Ashoka and Ima Gonna Die, left them until last. Lost to a kit Ashoka team and a JC, Eeth team.
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    I found it was possible only once I found a group wi JC and Eeth. I focused on JC to remove heal options and then worked on Yoda. Once Yoda was down Eeth was simple. I ran Barris lead, QGJ, JC, Lumi and Snips - all 77 to 72. Hope that helps.
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    I wanted to come back and say that I finally got him last night after about 7.5 hours or so. Switched Ahsoka to lead and it was JUST enough to get a couple lucky dodges and finish him off. Yoda had Kit and Barriss with him.
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    Now that the event was nerfed, it can be done with virtually any 5x jedi now. Thank you for listening, Devs!
    The real hard work should be the requirements, anyway.
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    Too bad I wasted so much of my time on it. Should've went to have those beers and forgot about it until the next day.
  • CliffsofMordor
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Finally the little Green monster surrendered and I think that I got some luck too. He had Kit and Barriss with him and I used the approach that many of you shared (Thank You). Took Barriss to the red after taking out Kit and then Yoda was half life. Then I pounded the life out of him with everything My team had. Got lucky on some health management. Thanks for all of the advice and sharing of your experiences. I had about 8 hours of effort in this over several days, but wondering if something got tweaked by the Devs. It just seemed easier now or I got lucky. my team (Lumi (Leader), Old Ben, JC, Kit, QGJ.
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