Help me to understand?

26 posts Member
edited May 2016
Why do I receive PvP rank items,but not guild contributions for being ranked 1-3? This has happened to me going on three times not counting when I was kicked out of a guild with no explanation. I did my dailys coming in first quite a few times. I made my own guild so I wouldn't get screwed over like I did in another guild. Right before awards to be given out for contributing against the pigs and rancor. I was kicked out of the guild. With no explanation. I did receive the guild contributions on my latest account but not for my other two accounts (Tane Bolir,Kyaeir)


  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    Wait, did you kick yourself out of your own guild? Not cool.
  • Options
    It's a bug.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Tane
    26 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    No I didn't kick myself out of my own guild. I was kicked out of two different guilds. For who knows what reasons? I was an officer in the first guild I was invited to. Logged on to do my dailys and no more guild. Second time I got kicked out of a guild was shortly before the time expired on getting new dailys I got to go up against the rancor 1 time (all five battles) no rewards for completing that either. Please fix the bugs
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Tane wrote: »
    No I didn't kick myself out of my own guild. I was kicked out of two different guilds. For who knows what reasons? I was an officer in the first guild I was invited to. Logged on to do my dailys and no more guild. Second time I got kicked out of a guild was shortly before the time expired on getting new dailys I got to go up against the rancor 1 time (all five battles) no rewards for completing that either. Please fix the bugs

    Do one of these three accounts meet these requirements?

    LINE App (Where we communicate) you can message me there if you want to join my LINE ID is pbaldo93
    20+ 6-7* Characters reasonably geared.

    600 guild bank coins daily. Or a total of 600 energy spent daily this is combining Cantina with regular energy.

    If so my guild is giving daily rewards HAHA:).
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