One hour of footage

12 posts Member
edited May 2016
For your viewing pleasure! We all know 'the game isn't flawed, we are.' We all know that it only seems like developers are abused with deadlines and profit motives. We all know that it only seems like the people instituting changes don't test those changes first, or even experience them for themselves.

So I bring you - 1 hour of objective experience! To place in antithesis an equal argument against the lovers of gambling and pushing rocks up hills. I even threw in an entire energy dump as bonus.

If you have any suggestions besides "get Barriss" or "get lucky", I am all ears.


  • MarmotaMonax
    251 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Haha just watching your video makes me angry again.. so i couldnt really watch much of it :P Took me 11 hours to beat Yoda.

    Wish you luck in getting lucky
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    what lvl is qgj's humbling blow ?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • DaKraken
    121 posts Member
    Get Barris.
  • Options
    DaKraken wrote: »
    Get Barris.

    +1, Barris is the new hit char. Outta the way, Barriss! :p
  • DaKraken
    121 posts Member
    @Calhoun why is this a surprise? Did you ever see any videos or read any posts from ppl saying they beat yoda without Barris? EVeRYONE who has ever posted anything about how to beat Yoda has said Barris is a must.

    So what do you expect? Why didnt you invest the time farming Barris from Cantina? I mean come on man, everyone advises Barris is a must and then you go into the challenge without Barris and expect to beat it???
  • Options
    I beat tier 7 of this new Yoda challenge first try...guess what? Barris was my leader.
  • Hut
    39 posts Member
    I can't be the only one disappointed that your Guild mate "Kyle Ren" didn't go with "Kyle Ron" instead?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Put Mace instead of Ashoka like i have and see how fast you win then! Ok? I get it, you guys are invincible noobs now because you got Yoda!
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    I beat him without Barriss.
    Sith Yoda:
  • DaKraken
    121 posts Member
    @Jazz66 then preach the strategy to other poor souls struggling without Barriss brother. You are a rare breed.
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    I beat yoda with QGJ lead, mace, JC, Lumi, and koth. If you don't have Barris then you're battling rng my friend.

    Ps. I fought for I blood indulging hours till I got the kill. Barris definitely would have made it easier but it is doable without her
  • Options

    Calhoun wrote: »
    For your viewing pleasure! We all know 'the game isn't flawed, we are.' We all know that it only seems like developers are abused with deadlines and profit motives. We all know that it only seems like the people instituting changes don't test those changes first, or even experience them for themselves.

    So I bring you - 1 hour of objective experience! To place in antithesis an equal argument against the lovers of gambling and pushing rocks up hills. I even threw in an entire energy dump as bonus.

    If you have any suggestions besides "get Barriss" or "get lucky", I am all ears.

    You may stop your crying now. They made it easier for you. If you don't get him now, you don't deserve him.
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Now that the event was nerfed, it can be done with virtually any 5x jedi now - as I beat it my first try post nerf (compared to the video). Thank you for listening, Devs!

    The real hard work should be the requirements, anyway.
  • JSnow54
    176 posts Member
    Barris is OP. She needs to be nerfed.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Calhoun wrote: »
    Now that the event was nerfed, it can be done with virtually any 5x jedi now - as I beat it my first try post nerf (compared to the video). Thank you for listening, Devs!

    The real hard work should be the requirements, anyway.

    If that was the case Yoda would be a gift in your inbox as soon as you get your 5th Jedi to 7*. But whatever EA listened to you whiners and you got your wish. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    What a difference a day makes
  • Kalcor
    92 posts Member
    Whiners? Bruh.. Go do a push-up and get over it.
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