Plans for yoda

86 posts Member
Currently i have luminara and jc at 7 stars
Barriss, ben, and kit at 5 stars
Mace, ahoska, eeth, and ima gun at 4
Gardian at 3

I use any presents of google play and the occasional 20 dollars in the game so paying us sporadic at best, so i cant plan on the paying chars...will be awhile till xmas which is the next time i can buy a bunch of packs lol.

My problem is i cant get past the 5 star phase ... i just dont do enough damage so yoda eventually gets past my healing and im out of luck...luminara really sucks to heal with since yoda just steals my heal over time...

Ive geared them all and mostly lvled all 5 of those chars save kit...hes still behind in gear, and all are lvl 60 - 70

Anyway, im guessing that means that team just cant win me yoda so ive started looking forward to the next yoda event as well as the 6 and 7 star lvls...

I will be lvling barriss as well as ben to 7 stars as they are part of my arena team, also will be geared as best as i can... lum and jc will get gear as i can but are not in any of my main teams so not priorities.

So i need to decide what team to start picking away at to get yoda and beyond, i figured ben and barriss... so who else would be smart...

I was condidering mace and/or qgj for buff removal but who else? Jc for heals or would imagun be good here? Keep in mind i dont want to depend on paying, i just dont buy enough packs often enough for that.

So, any tips or ideas? Thanks


  • Options
    Get Jedi that do not compete for Shards. You have JC/Lumi at 7. Now get Koth from arena, Ahsoka from Cantina store and Mace from Cantina battles. You'll have 7 star Jedi in no time along with 7star give a way Yoda

    If you can wait for Yoda start on QGJ immediately. His dispels are needed and he hits hard with assist call that has low reset. Must own Jedi
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    You need someone to dispel Yoda when he steals Luminara's heal. QGJ is preferred but since Yoda got nerfed it is probably feasible to use another toon like Mace.
  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I can do qgj, since im using cantina fights for ben and barriss, qj probably will be faster.

    So luminara ahead of jc? So ben, barriss, qgj, luminara, koth? Lead would be barriss or ben, both are good leaders

    Or would i be better trying to get ima gun instead of luminara.... when i unlock zone 7 in cantina anyway.

    Ima gun would be behind ben and barriss though in priority for shards
  • Options
    Egor wrote: »
    I can do qgj, since im using cantina fights for ben and barriss, qj probably will be faster.

    So luminara ahead of jc? So ben, barriss, qgj, luminara, koth? Lead would be barriss or ben, both are good leaders

    Or would i be better trying to get ima gun instead of luminara.... when i unlock zone 7 in cantina anyway.

    Ima gun would be behind ben and barriss though in priority for shards

    You will need both Lumi and Barris. They are the best healers in the game, and you need that.
  • Options
    Definetly need QGJ, he helps out alot with dispel, and Ahsoka is a great heavy hitter/secondary healer so I recommend getting her if you can, but if you have Old Ben, he would be alright instead of Ahsoka. I highly recommend at least 3 heals. So you could go with Old Ben or Lumi as lead with their evasion, Barriss, JC and QGJ. That would be your best bet, good luck.
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