Most feared duos

7 posts Member
My most feared duo is royal guard and old daka. My team is well rounded but those two thwart my plans more than any other duo.


  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Old Ben/han
  • Naes
    7 posts Member
    Jetlife wrote: »
    Old Ben/han

    If Ben died before Han would the bonuses stack
  • Options
    Ackbar Leia
    RG Rey
    OB Rey
    Rey and muppet
    Ima and Aayla.
  • Naes
    7 posts Member
    Haven't faced Ayala secura that often better than Kit fisto in a jedi squad?
  • Naes
    7 posts Member
    Just checked on unlock At least aayla is far superior than kit
  • Options
    I run Leia and 5 ' s together, can decimate entire squads with and without akbar lead.
  • Saikyomaster
    105 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Rey and muppet

    lol this. I can handle getting my teeth kicked in by Leia. Premium toon, if you dropped the cash you deserve the hard hits. But getting ROFLstomped by a freebie Rey (who is now in EVERY team) is just a kick in the softs.
  • TMK
    700 posts Member
    Rey and RG, Daka and RG, Leia and Ackbar, there are so many duos that compliment each other so well.
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