attention, malcontents and castoffs! The Knights of Amaru is looking to add active members

217 posts Member
Looking to add members who have at least level 60 and are active. We have some die hards but need to increase our numbers. Our tier 5 raid is active. Add ally code for invite. Mature group with no drama. Our growth has been slow but steady. Would love to merge with a similar or smaller guild. Will grant officer status to any leaders who want to message me to set up a merger. Add ally code for invite. This post is checked 3xs daily. I don't spend money on this game but I'm smart so I hv alot including a 7 star yoda and a 5 star Darth Vader that is halfway to 6 star. 4 full rows of purples. I only do hard battles and complete all daily activities since December 2nd when I started playing. In short, this guild will be active for the foreseeable future. Don't be a guild zlut, bouncing around like a 2 dollar ho whichever way the wind blows. Join a group that's not going anywhere with proven players you don't have to worry about jumping ship. I will be recruiting until the guild is full of actives. 7 days without a log-in is the only thing that can get you booted but I'll be holding off on enforcement of that rule until the guild has reached 40 members. Again, the going will be slow while we increase our depth but patience will be rewarded. We're currently adding about two members every week. Only had two quit since day one... they lacked vision. :)


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