Guild issues.

Leader, who generally posts the highest numbers, didn't come in first once or twice. He has since stopped fighting in phase 1 in order to pad his stats. Many other top 10 guildees have started doing the same. I want no part of this guild anymore. Being a leader means you should lead my example. It does not mean you use everyone else as cannon fodder in order to come out on top. This is the big issue with this raid. This is the type of guild I want no part of.

I'm now left looking for a new guild. I want to be a part of something where, at the very least, the leader leads by example. I'm not concerned with everyone else.

So, this is me, asking if there's a guild out there who runs tier V raids, that follows this criteria, with an opening.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My guild has a little room.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    As best I can tell 420 Empire is safe from these kinds of cowardly moves. I think we're too stoned to care. There's a bit of cleaning up to do so could make room for you and your stacking stun fantasies.
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    There's the stark opposite too, peoe who only run tier 1 with Teebo and make 3 mil damage from it
    "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
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    That's silly. Phase one is where you score the highest damage if you have the right characters. Maybe he doesn't but others shouldn't follow his lead blindly. They could be some of the people that could get more damage in the first phase.

    Like people with Teebo apparently. Is that because of his Omega basic turn meter reduction?
  • StarSon
    7538 posts Member
    We have room, and I have no qualms about fighting T1, and I don't worry overly much about achievements (I being the leader). Although we currently alternate between T4 and T5 raids.
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    Take advantage of Phase 1. Build teebo lead, ackbar, gs, qgj, rey. you can sub phasma for teebo. sub qgj/gs/rey to any toon dps toon. only ackbar or any other debuff remover is required. at tier 5 this is godly on phase 1.
  • Bartem
    45 posts Member
    Leader, who generally posts the highest numbers, didn't come in first once or twice. He has since stopped fighting in phase 1 in order to pad his stats. Many other top 10 guildees have started doing the same. I want no part of this guild anymore. Being a leader means you should lead my example. It does not mean you use everyone else as cannon fodder in order to come out on top. This is the big issue with this raid. This is the type of guild I want no part of.

    I'm now left looking for a new guild. I want to be a part of something where, at the very least, the leader leads by example. I'm not concerned with everyone else.

    So, this is me, asking if there's a guild out there who runs tier V raids, that follows this criteria, with an opening.

    i agree, I think stages should be progressively harder to force player to jump in as soon as they can, rather than wait until second stage where you can get most damage because it's way easier than stage 1. I hope devs will see this post and do some tuning to fix it. It is annoying when best players in a guild wait for tire 2 just because it does a better payout
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Bartem wrote: »
    Leader, who generally posts the highest numbers, didn't come in first once or twice. He has since stopped fighting in phase 1 in order to pad his stats. Many other top 10 guildees have started doing the same. I want no part of this guild anymore. Being a leader means you should lead my example. It does not mean you use everyone else as cannon fodder in order to come out on top. This is the big issue with this raid. This is the type of guild I want no part of.

    I'm now left looking for a new guild. I want to be a part of something where, at the very least, the leader leads by example. I'm not concerned with everyone else.

    So, this is me, asking if there's a guild out there who runs tier V raids, that follows this criteria, with an opening.

    i agree, I think stages should be progressively harder to force player to jump in as soon as they can, rather than wait until second stage where you can get most damage because it's way easier than stage 1. I hope devs will see this post and do some tuning to fix it. It is annoying when best players in a guild wait for tire 2 just because it does a better payout

    Phase 1 can get you the largest damage. Maybe you are doing raids with people who don't have detriment removing characters though...
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    I'm going to pay closer attention this next raid, and if it is what I think it is, I'm outta there.

    Leader was posting highest numbers in phase 1 before this happened, but I believe a certain member overtook him by fighting in 2+3 only, so he lost his first place rewards
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    Looking for one more for TERRA, which does Tier V in one reset and is looking to push to Tier VI. We don't hold back during phases and are very active/fun in chat. All we ask is you spend 600 energy daily and help kill the Rancor! We have one opening, most of us are from the top 50 arena in the same server so it's a tight group. My ally code is 516-738-195, lemme know if you're interested!
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Join me boss
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    Baldo wrote: »
    Join me boss

    yeah join baldo so he can kick you when you beat his damage, its a much better system
  • lordson86
    264 posts Member
    G'day mate. We've weeded out the non active members.
    Smashed 6, mostly tier V, raids now.

    We have just a few free spots again.

    Not hardcore guild, but active and friendly members.

    Add me if you want a good guild.

    My ally code: 893-763-397
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    o0iuytfu wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Join me boss

    yeah join baldo so he can kick you when you beat his damage, its a much better system

    Never kicked anyone for beating my damage, I kicked them for being excessive and never splitting dailies evenly. After mentioning it numerous times to them. Thanks though ****. @o0iuytfu
  • Options
    Swing by this way. Our guild is comprised of people who were in a similar boat. We're 32/50 now and smashing out T5 just after the first character reset. Will be looking at T6 once we bulk up numbers. PM me if you want more details.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member

    We do mostly T6 but if you can do T6 let me know
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