Behind the Curve

Hey Guys,

There has been an awakening. I have not felt it. The arena squad I'm using is a little out of date, but I think I'm working on the right toons to get back to the meta game.

I still do surprisingly well using my QGJ(l), Yoda, RG, Lumi and GS team. Somewhere between 20-40 at payout. Hoping to get some feedback on how I can improve.

7* - QGJ(omega basic), Lumi, Yoda, GS, Dooku, IG-86, IG-88, Rey, Old Daka, Barris, JC, ST Han(need to level/gear), Poggle, Phasma, Eeth Koth, Sid

6* - RG

5* Fives(torn between him and Daka for last omegas), Kylo Ren, Poe, Teebo, RP, Mace, FOTP, Luke


Cantina - RG, Fives shipments, Old Ben after RG
Guild - Gear
Galactic - Teebo
Squad Arena - Ackbar
L/D - Fives, RG, FOTP

Anything you can offer would be fantastic. Thanks!


  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    If you're chasing the meta you have all the advice you need in the arena ranks.
  • Options
    Dooku (L), QGJ, rey, Daka, GS is the team I use and I get rank 1 daily. Other options you can put in there instead of GS are RG and STHan.
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    I'm an old believer in the Barris lead, not for all situations but if you have 1 tank the balance heal is great, plus the extra 10% max hp stops Rey's from one shotting some people (sometimes) I'm gonna get flak for suggesting it but I'm in too 20 with her lead lol. Otherwise I'd use ST Han with her lead for extra tank and the aforementioned balance heal, Rey for dps, Daka for stun, GS for good dmg too

    2 other possible

    Tanky Dps

    Barris (L)
    ST Han

    Blunt sticks cause turn meter

    Old Ben(L) once you farm him
    ST Han

    This one is based around Ben using mind trick when Han taunts, giving the enemy team blunt sticks to hit your turn meter factory with so your heavy dps wrecks them.

    Either or, my suggestions are less "current meta" than others but they still hold up in arena on most shards
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