Looking for UK or European based players

A lot of you who have at least ten 7* toons are in guilds now but if you're having issues with the times of the resets because your guild leader is from another continent then please let me know if you're interested in leaving. We are a hard working guild who can do a T5 in virtually an hour and a T6 in three resets and it's only going to get better. Please get in touch with me if you are from the UK or European based. Even east coast US will work as the resets are at 8pm your time . My ally code is 797-111-992


Ally code 797-111-992


  • Options
    Ten 7* toons is not a prerequisite, daily play is essential as we want to meet most of our T7 targets
    Ally code 797-111-992
  • Options
    No smoke and mirrors here, just a guaranteed work ethic and rewards to match
    Ally code 797-111-992
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