Category oversights: QGJ not human, Old Ben not rebel



  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    I think they should create a "Republic" tag and place Coruscant Police in it. Then the tag would be ready for new characters like Padme, Jar-Jar and Bail Organa.
  • Options
    ZarLatho wrote: »
    QGJ isn't human - he is God.

    I give you that. TM removal, enemy debuff, team buff, healing, assist. It's all there!. Only skill he lacks is counter.

    He also lacks the skill to stand upright after being hit twice.

    That's why there are taunts in the game, but it would be derailing the topic.

    I like the idea of positive and negative anti-synergies.

    Some Rebel leader (Mon Mothma?) could have a "strength in diversity" in which each different species and faction increases the buff.

    Humans being the cockroacehs they are spereading all over the galaxy and dropping their sprogs on every deserted planet to grow up and become Jedi Masters, there could be anti-human abilities as well.
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