A Letter to the Devs: Constructive feedback concerning the recent changes to Fives


When the level 80 cap finally came and with it the ability to get Omega abilities Fives had gained some notoriety among savvy players. At this time Fives was finally seen for the powerhouse he is. Once people began moving to level 76 an Omega Fives was unveiled he was met with lovingly open arms….I mean met with threads calling to fix his bugged attack! We all knew it was bugged from the get go!! Amidst all these cries about the OP Omega Fives, all the proof posted in video about how he can solo challenges and basically rock the SWGOH world EA/CG never responded! Naturally we all had to learn to live with this and by their response of silence to the cries for the bug fix we all started to believe this must be the way they intended on his ability to work.

May 17th came (this at least two weeks after Omega Fives made his debut, likely three but I can’t remember precisely) and with it Echo and Fives’ bug fix. That’s right, it is 100% a bug fix, but that’s not the whole story now is it? You see for almost a month (that’s right, I have slowly increased the duration for which we lived with Omega Fives, lol) we all operated under the assumption that Omega Fives was working properly. Why would we, an incredibly intelligent bunch of people, think such a thing? Especially considering most of us reasoned that it was a bug to begin with? Oh, that’s right, see the previous “paragraph:" EA/CG’s silence led us to believe nothing was going to be done about it!!

Here is the thing: I don’t have Fives in the arena because I never got him to 7* even though I started farming him as my second Cantina Shipments character. As a matter of fact, the main opposition in my arena payout window has Fives, so I’m benefitting from this bug fix. I am very unhappy about it, though. Not because I’m farming him (I have always thought it was a bug and decided to farm him based on the way his ability works now) but because of the way this was all handled. Communication of intent is all we need!! As an example, let’s go back two “paragraphs." Let’s pretend EA/CG responded to any of the numerous threads about how OP Omega Fives was and said, “This is certainly not intentional. It seems to be a bug due to how we had to fix QGJ’s humbling blow. This is on our list of major bugs to fix and we are going to get to it as soon as we can.” How hard would that have been?!? Trust me, it was easy to type that, and I type slowly, lol.

In conclusion, I just want to reiterate that I am on board with this being a bug fix, but the way it was handled has got to be the shadiest possible way save leaving it out of the patch notes. To pretend this could happen to any character is a stretch. To get up in arms debating about whether this is a bug fix or nerf isn’t the real issue. This is strictly a matter of failed communication. And to me that is worse than nerfs that we are openly told about. EA/CG, please consider being more open with your intent on the direction you are taking currently in-game characters. We don’t want secret knowledge of how the game is going to end up, just accurate information to make decisions with. The nature of this game makes it imperative that we reap the rewards we’re sowing to get. It takes a long time and lots of resources to finally field our guys. Being disappointed at what we end up with is actually quite devastating.

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