The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


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    Onark wrote: »
    How are you guys modding stormtrooper? I swapped mine out for GK and I've been really underwhelmed so I'm thinking I just need to take another approach to fitting in storm. cain/collection/stormtrooper/

    I changed the cros mod and one other one today.

    Now he has a protection primary cross taking protection from 33k to 40k and his speed is now 218 instead of 210.

    His potency went down over 20%. Not sure yet if I am getting more resists on TM reduction but even at 33k he is brick wall.
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    Onark wrote: »
    I'd like to add a grain of salt to the Zeers being viable belief. I get destroyed when I run him with zz Tarkin, ShT, storm and DT. My guess is that there are some mod requirements zeers or for the comp as a whole, shard specific cases and/or turn by turn best practices. For me, he's simply to squishy and dies before he can do much.

    Right now I can only use Zeers in GW and HAAT. It's a ton of fun and it's pretty strong but there are conditions. I also think the best zeta is reserved for Finn lead, TM gain and CD decrease with no deaths required.

    Tarkin is a bad lead vs. CLS - he's kinda bad in general now for arena. You need Thrawn as the lead and zeta'd. Thrawn gives all Empire max protection and frequent protection regeneration; it is a huge increase in survivability. You also want the tanks to be fast so they can have taunt up a lot - Veers shouldn't be taking tons of damage.

    With CLS u can't really use veers he will die in max 2 rounds, and also gets owned on his aoe

    Wrong....make sure your taunts are up before using Veers AOE anyway.

    If he plays on auto (like I sometimes do) Veers will kill himself with a quickness.

    Manually, it's not too hard to keep him alive.

    I can actually use Veers more now CLS has pushed all of the Sith Assassins (Veers' true Bane) out of my top 20-30.

    I still prefer Krennic in any case. Especially if Zarriss is on the other team.

    Using a Thrawn-led team on auto from the start sounds like a very bad idea :) The AI uses the cleanses poorly. If autoing CLS arena teams is the goal I'm not sure you can go Empire at all.
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    Onark wrote: »
    I'd like to add a grain of salt to the Zeers being viable belief. I get destroyed when I run him with zz Tarkin, ShT, storm and DT. My guess is that there are some mod requirements zeers or for the comp as a whole, shard specific cases and/or turn by turn best practices. For me, he's simply to squishy and dies before he can do much.

    Right now I can only use Zeers in GW and HAAT. It's a ton of fun and it's pretty strong but there are conditions. I also think the best zeta is reserved for Finn lead, TM gain and CD decrease with no deaths required.

    Tarkin is a bad lead vs. CLS - he's kinda bad in general now for arena. You need Thrawn as the lead and zeta'd. Thrawn gives all Empire max protection and frequent protection regeneration; it is a huge increase in survivability. You also want the tanks to be fast so they can have taunt up a lot - Veers shouldn't be taking tons of damage.

    With CLS u can't really use veers he will die in max 2 rounds, and also gets owned on his aoe

    Wrong....make sure your taunts are up before using Veers AOE anyway.

    If he plays on auto (like I sometimes do) Veers will kill himself with a quickness.

    Manually, it's not too hard to keep him alive.

    I can actually use Veers more now CLS has pushed all of the Sith Assassins (Veers' true Bane) out of my top 20-30.

    I still prefer Krennic in any case. Especially if Zarriss is on the other team.

    Using a Thrawn-led team on auto from the start sounds like a very bad idea :) The AI uses the cleanses poorly. If autoing CLS arena teams is the goal I'm not sure you can go Empire at all.

    I actually like how the AI spams the cleanses.

    It doesn't work as well with CLS because a direct hit from him will often push my Thrawn to 100% TM anyways but in general, all those Empire specials keep him Fracturing for much longer than usual.

    I will usually take out a problem toon (Raid Han, DN, etc.) then hit auto. The 4 v 5 becomes 5 v 3 with a Fracture and goes pretty quick.
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    For anyone wondering why Stormtrooper is recommended for an Empire team, I give you zATF barely taking out half his protection with a whole lotta buffs:
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    For anyone wondering why Stormtrooper is recommended for an Empire team, I give you zATF barely taking out half his protection with a whole lotta buffs:

    And I'll add - he didn't even have CD immunity from Shore yet - you can often swap early with Shore from Thrawn to proc that move if you like. Defense on Storm makes an impact. Nice video.
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    @Indominable_J please can you post a link to your SWGOH database page I am interested to see how you have modded your troopers. Thanks
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    Cheers @Indominable_J I'm migrating from Sith -> Empire so regularly read this thread. I'd like to mod StormT similar to yourself but can't decide if I should focus on potency (for TM removal) or defense. I'll probably go majority defense with some potency
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    As you can see, I have the one potency set. At about 50% potency, I see decent TM removal. For me, getting the three protection primaries, with decent speed secondaries, and getting decent speed and other secondaries on the square and diamond, were more important than sets. You want speed with your tanks because you want to churn turns to get taunts back up. His defense is massive for being on a full empire team, so the mods are less of an issue.

    I actually recorded that clip (and didn't fracture Ahsoka that fight) because one my guildmates who runs her couldn't believe that she could whirlwind with a bunch of buffs and not auto-kill (or at least come close), because he does that all the time. It shows how impressive Storm's defense boost is.
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    With Thrawn on the field, does speed really matter for the tanks?
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    With Thrawn on the field, does speed really matter for the tanks?

    Yes. There are enough dispels that you need the tanks to churn through turns to get past their cooldowns.
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    So are DK and DT still usable in the arena, given the new Rebel counter attack meta? I mean, you toss out two aoes in a row and get Luke, Han, Leia, and R2 rushing in, and even the strongest tank is going to feel that.
  • Onark
    104 posts Member
    So are DK and DT still usable in the arena, given the new Rebel counter attack meta? I mean, you toss out two aoes in a row and get Luke, Han, Leia, and R2 rushing in, and even the strongest tank is going to feel that.

    Just took #1 today with those two. ShT and storm can take quite the beating but you have to be smart about dropping AOE attacks when you don't have a taunt up. DK also gets crit immunity under DT zeta so the risks are lower than they seem.
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    So are DK and DT still usable in the arena, given the new Rebel counter attack meta? I mean, you toss out two aoes in a row and get Luke, Han, Leia, and R2 rushing in, and even the strongest tank is going to feel that.

    They are usable on offense.

    My Empire squad is a joke to beat for many of the CLS teams in my shard.

    Rebel squads that are undergeared and poorly modded can beat my nearly maxed Empire squad with good speed mods.
  • GGYY
    47 posts Member
    I know it sounds like blasphemy but would splashing R2 in there help?
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Empire is dead thanks to CLS. I am the only one in my top 50 now and am directly targeted by every CLS teams. The only team that seems to work is qthrawn lead with DT and Krennic but of course Krennic is locked behind a hard node. And you need crazy mods too. Diversity is dead in arena now. Be rebel or nothing.
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    Aero wrote: »
    Now granted I haven't truly maxed them yet, but they seem very lackluster. Not enough synergy. They are also very slow, and while I'd like to use Vader for more damage I feel I need to use Tarkin so they don't get blasted apart before I move. I do use them in later GW rounds for testing and I have some videos I'll share soon.

    Seriously guys, very easy farming hear! If you want in on this party it's not very hard. Every character is free, and they're all across every shard collection method. Plus 4 of them get to gear 9 without any raid gear.

    I need to do more work here but in my opinion these guys are all pretty lackluster here as well, except of course for Vader who can pull a huge blue to the rancor.

    Potency is generally very low until maxed out. Especially with Magmatrooper. 7% all the way until gear 10 then it's 87%, there needs to be better progression.

    Snowtrooper seems to be doing more damage than most the rest and as you can tell I haven't even really started on him yet. Looking forward to that!

    Veers omega leader ability is 30% offense for empire characters. Vaders level 7 leader is 30% offense for empire characters plus 25% chance to remove 10% turn meter. Come on! Veers needs something else, maybe a potency leader ability!

    Ah. Remember when Vader was about the only viable Empire leader? Now we have entire teams of leaders...
    Vader, EP, Veers, Thrawn, Tarkin, GS, etc.
    I am so glad they have improved the faction. My zVader is over 18k power, and all maxed abilities. He is an insanely durable attacker who excels under his own lead, EP, DN, and others.
    Death Trooper can bring down a tough enemy with his Exterminate
    Shoretrooper is popular even on non Empire teams
    I love TFP. He deals mad damage. I am a big Rebel fan and user, but Empire/Sith are definitely not neglected. I will get EP gear 11 this week. Preparing for Thrawn to return so I can 7 star him. Tarkin is my fleet commander, and RG was my first 7 star tank. Long live the Empire!
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    I take first almost everyday with TarkinL, DT, DN, GK and Thrawn. Dec 2016 shard
  • GGYY
    47 posts Member
    So are DK and DT still usable in the arena, given the new Rebel counter attack meta? I mean, you toss out two aoes in a row and get Luke, Han, Leia, and R2 rushing in, and even the strongest tank is going to feel that.

    They are usable on offense.

    My Empire squad is a joke to beat for many of the CLS teams in my shard.

    Rebel squads that are undergeared and poorly modded can beat my nearly maxed Empire squad with good speed mods.

    So you're saying it takes more to win with Imperials than Rebels?
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    Has anybody tried a zKrennic lead against the Rebels? It seems like it makes sense. Tarkin's IT can't be resisted by Rebels. Put high crit chance on Tarkin, DT and Krennic when they use their AoE. Counters will be there, but if the Rebels have offense down, it should not have a significant impact. The major problem is if the opposing R2 has a zeta on Combat Analysis. If rebels crit on a counter, they lose all of the debuffs. Input is appreciated because I will have 20 zetas today. Thanks!
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    GGYY wrote: »
    So are DK and DT still usable in the arena, given the new Rebel counter attack meta? I mean, you toss out two aoes in a row and get Luke, Han, Leia, and R2 rushing in, and even the strongest tank is going to feel that.

    They are usable on offense.

    My Empire squad is a joke to beat for many of the CLS teams in my shard.

    Rebel squads that are undergeared and poorly modded can beat my nearly maxed Empire squad with good speed mods.

    So you're saying it takes more to win with Imperials than Rebels?

    That has been my experience yes.

    My shard mates are telling me the same and since they fight my squad they say that it is "quick" when they fight me even though I use Storm and Shore with zThrawn lead.
  • C1pher_Five
    267 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    From what I have seen, you need god-mods to be competitive in the arena top 50.
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    Mega_Man wrote: »
    Has anybody tried a zKrennic lead against the Rebels? It seems like it makes sense. Tarkin's IT can't be resisted by Rebels. Put high crit chance on Tarkin, DT and Krennic when they use their AoE. Counters will be there, but if the Rebels have offense down, it should not have a significant impact. The major problem is if the opposing R2 has a zeta on Combat Analysis. If rebels crit on a counter, they lose all of the debuffs. Input is appreciated because I will have 20 zetas today. Thanks!

    @Mega_Man I just got 20 zetas today too and plan to put in on Krennic for the h*ll of it when I get home tonight.

    I will report back on my findings.
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    Thanks @Gaidal_Cain! Let me know how it goes. I tried him without the zeta and got demolished by Rex lead, but did okay against all others. My 5 were Krennic, zDT, shore, zTarkin & zzThrawn.
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    Wow, not looking forward to people gearing up ROLO & Comm Han.
  • Onark
    104 posts Member
    Looking at g12 and the squishy rebels get tankier. Not a fan.
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    @Mega_Man there aren't any Rex leads in my arena top 20 right now but the best combination I have found so far is:

    zKrennic, zDT, zThrawn, Shore, and TFP.

    TFP's speed and buff immunity are prettt critical to making this combo work.
    I just can't get Tarkin fast enough to get the ability block ball rolling.

    I have TFP at 273, GAT 257, DK 231, DT 224, and Shore 205.

    With Thrawn lead I had pushed Shore to 221 but with him not gaining protection on status effects, was needed to max out his protection at the expense of some speed.

    I was able to beat the toughest CLS squad on my shard (toughest speed wise anyways).

    CLS 267, R2 287, DN 233, GK 212, and Han Zolo 204.

    That squad is nuts. Without a fast TFP, I literally use two basic attacks before I am down to just Thrawn and Shore.

    I would say Rebels are still better than Empire by a mile but if your Rebels suck like mine, DK's Zeta isn't too bad.

    Edit: so yeah, dropping just as much as before and still seem to struggle with certain comps.

    I was gonna Zeta him anyway so no loss but I think zzThrawn lead is still better.
    Post edited by Gaidal_Cain on
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    So the gear is really really huge increases for g12, might boost some holes in some toons.

    Thrawn gets a lot of armor and special dmg
    Tarkin gets a bit of everything including more crit chance and 6250 raw HP
    Krennic gets 6250 also plus lots more special dmg
    Veers too for the hp and a massive dmg increase
    Shoretrooper got a lot of INT and dmg for some reason but he now has 80k combined hp and prot BASE
    Even Vader got a large int and specil dmg increase for saber throw.

    Things to note, no new gear adds any speed so all characters are unaffected.
    Rebels got these increases too.

    Just as an example raid han got 7250 hp buff, and about a 13% crit chance increase with a good 200 offense buff.

    Ps the funniest increase I've seen, General Grevious got a whopping 13750 hp increase from g11 to g12 XD
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    My Krennic is FINALLY at 7* :)))))

    What phase is he best in for HAAT? Seems like P3 might be good? Or perhaps take the place of one of my Troopers for P4?
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    First time poster. Running thrawn lead, DN, DT, Shore, and GK in a sea of cls or rex teams in top 20. Many now have g12 r2.

    Which of my arena toons should I focus on taking to g12 first?

    Thanks for the input in advance.
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