Bring back option to sell materials?

6 posts Member
edited May 2016
With the struggle of never having enough credits I hope EA bring back the option to sell unwanted materials. OK, they didn't sell for a lot but every little helps right? I have 615 mk5 laptops for example with only 1 character that need 50 of them. I for one would like the option brought back to the game, would you?

Bring back option to sell materials? 125 votes

gusyudjeremyj26dogwelder79VarlieKonaEhukaiforcedinoCrookid01LukadollarCasual_PlayerHangfireDookiedog68Mr_CCpt_Krob6Phlebotomy_JonesRavens1113OkerlundecovenantGiodude2000Nikoms565FranckMcBecker 105 votes
Green_Legend_RanvincentlondonbenacrowottomadduxZekexEleiemZombie961Greg1920Mo_lizaAeroSikhoEventineElessedilaerendhilDretzleTheFossilManDarkReapersneeekypantsLiamTheWiseFirst_but_66_OrderMathYouC 20 votes


  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    If you compete everything in a week you get roughly 5M credits, not including raid rewards. Credits are not a problem. Your supposed to have to make decisions or pasty money to have more, is a freemium game. Quite frankly they're very generous to free players.

    Selling gear only made it confusing for newer players. It was never a good source of credits and it wouldn't be a good way to alleviate a credit crunch.

    Now, what maybe can be looked at is all this gear from challenges that nobody needs. Maybe update some gear requirements.
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    Mr_Zurkon wrote: »
    I have 615 mk5 laptops for example with only 1 character that need 50 of them.

    Right now. Tomorrow, who knows? System update may require a Mk5 keyboard for next gear level on every character.
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    And the mk1, 2 and 3 gear that I have 700 of? Never going to be a need for those. It at least gives people the choice to do something with them if they wanted to.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    The game is very balanced if you don't spend any money or only purchase a character pack when it's available.

    However, if you do spend money on Chromiums, refreshes for shards, refreshes in cantina then you can quickly outpace your credit income.
    The devs encourage people to have a healthy bench for GW and now raids where you have to be incredibly lucky on the Fleeing chance or you have to have a large bench.

    5 million a week is not enough to promote people from 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 stars (250,000 - 1 million) AND train new characters up to your current level. I think it's falling around 3 million currently to get from 1 to 80, I am most likely underestimating it.

    Selling extra gear that we have 600+ of would help.
    It also doesn't hurt anyone unless they aren't careful when selling and sell something they need.
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    Mr_Zurkon wrote: »
    I have 615 mk5 laptops for example with only 1 character that need 50 of them.

    Right now. Tomorrow, who knows? System update may require a Mk5 keyboard for next gear level on every character.

    This is why I do every challenge I can every day. I can auto them all anyway and who knows if something won't make them useful gear pieces again.
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    i think they should implement the shop, where only 70+ players could use it, in this way the argument of noobs selling important stuff blows (i think a 70+ player knows what to sell already)
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    They had too many complaints from people selling the wrong stuff so they took it out I think that's reasonable.

    I'd prefer a crafting shop like the shard shop.
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    Azanathar wrote: »
    i think they should implement the shop, where only 70+ players could use it, in this way the argument of noobs selling important stuff blows (i think a 70+ player knows what to sell already)

    This. +1
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    The old shop would pnly grant maybe 5k if you were lucky selling 100+ of blues and purples. Not worth it. Plus future content/toons can use it.
    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    Maybe if they give us like 1000% more credits for them.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    At the minimum let us see our gear, I've been stocking up in shipments, I'd like to see if my gear is still around.
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    Inventory+gearcraft function sounds good, not planning about selling unused gear though
    Hangfire wrote: »
    At the minimum let us see our gear, I've been stocking up in shipments, I'd like to see if my gear is still around.

    the cake is a lie
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    They had too many complaints from people selling the wrong stuff so they took it out I think that's reasonable.

    I'd prefer a crafting shop like the shard shop.

    I voted yes, but this would work for me too.
    I just have a problem with having earned a lot of useless stuff...
    Most people, after work, don't go to the store and buy a pack of pencils every day to pile up in case they might need them later...

    What I want is for them to bring back selling items or introduce something that makes them useful.
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    The old shop would pnly grant maybe 5k if you were lucky selling 100+ of blues and purples. Not worth it. Plus future content/toons can use it.

    You're joking, right? Unless they release 10 new toons in the next week AND I stop using any energy whatsoever (so I don't accidentally farm more), there is no way I can use up my stacks of equipment thats been building up since they removed the feature. Everything I have is 500+... thats assuming characters would require 50 of each gear to craft 1 equitable item.
  • Zarak628
    160 posts Member
    I'd like to trade/sell with other players. Perhaps I got a good raid item that my guys don't need? Why not trade for something I do?
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    They had too many complaints from people selling the wrong stuff so they took it out I think that's reasonable.

    I'd prefer a crafting shop like the shard shop.

    I'm probably not the only one that thinks that's just the line they fed us. They could have easily left the option to sell salvage and still remove the mining droids. Even then they were looking at ways to further profits.
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    Bringing this topic back up now that I have passed 3000 on many items awarded from the daily challenges. Developers, it might be time to let us clear some out like we had back at the beginning. Or a trade for some other spending item within the game.
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    Gear upgrade system. Thats all we need.

    10 grey gear for 1 green gear, 10 green gear for 1 blue gear 10 blue gear for 1 purple gear, 10 purple gear for 1 gold gear
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    Mr_Zurkon wrote: »
    And the mk1, 2 and 3 gear that I have 700 of? Never going to be a need for those. It at least gives people the choice to do something with them if they wanted to.

    You will shortly realize how important could they be (esp. green ones), if you start gearing new toons from 0.
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    I voted yes, but who knows, unless the data mines are correct, G12, or even upcoming ship parts could require 1000 of those TAC gear parts. I don't have high hopes that a secondary gear crunch involving all of these surplus materials, won't be created in the future. But, I do think the player should have the option, regardless, how many junk traders are there in that far far away galaxy, anyway? Half the scenes in the movies seem to be full of them and I'm sure they're also referenced in the books as well.
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    I recently ran out of purples as I leveled up Old Ben and STH for the CLS event, and then leveling CLS when I got him. I thought I'd never run out of purples and should have sold a hundred or so. If I had, I'd be even more worse off.

    Now we are incentivized to level all of the characters we've kept at level 1 since the day we got them, and leveling their abilities will help, too.

    There's no way I could advocate potentially shorting myself because I thought and was wrong that I should sell my stockpile of greens and blues. Same goes with "unused" gear that you'll use by the truckloads when some other use for it comes. No thanks.

    If I need extra credits I'll participate in a raid or buy it with my stockpile of arena tokens. Yes, eventually you will purchase all of the cantina and arena shop character shards you can and get a stockpile there, too.
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    Considering that a single gear piece will mostlikely be worth less than nothing i'd much rather have an option to up or downgrade gear.
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    I don't think they need to add a "sell gear option" but if they did, maybe a cap on how much of any given gear you can sell would work. For example, the gray and green gear you can only sell if you have more than 50 and you can't drop below 50. The blue gear 100, the purple perhaps 200. That way newbies can't sell gear and then regret it and by the time they are able to sell gear, they aren't newbies and won't be frivolous with their gear.
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    not for credits.

    I'd rather have an option to trade for other pieces of gear (Carbanti, Cuffs, Guns)
    I choose the Red Pill.
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    aerendhil wrote: »
    not for credits.

    I'd rather have an option to trade for other pieces of gear (Carbanti, Cuffs, Guns)

    This is a better idea. Craft lower tier gears into higher tier gears.
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    Eleiem wrote: »
    Maybe if they give us like 1000% more credits for them.

    The shop gave almost nothing
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    i buy every single piece of gear from the shipments for credits. and sim every single challenge. even if i have 2k of them. you never know if the new gear 12 could implement them so they are useful again (like to go w the new gear). I always need credits. but selling mods, buying them from arena shipments once in awhile and waiting for credit heist have to do.
    now the crafting idea for gear does sound interesting
  • DarkReaper
    63 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Gearcrafting and Inventory would be optimal solution.
    75+ players only.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    this whole bring back the "sell gear" option has gotten out of controll. For some reason alot of people think it would be awesome and gamechanging but don't realize it will probably solve nothing. It's like voting for a guy who promisses to lower taxes and realize later on that you're paying more money to repair your car than you were paying tax because the government doesn't have money to properly maintain the roads/infrastructure.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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