Underused characters for community update



  • MasterSeedy
    5193 posts Member
    Another thought would be a way to test characters so we know if we spend the time to raise them we don't feel like it's a waste.

    That's what the ally system is for.

    You have your regular allies, and they probably use common characters as leaders, toons you already know. But look at the other allies available. It's full of underused characters. Look at the gear, look at the character level and star promotions, then give the toon a whirl 2 or 3 times. Try to pick a copy of the toon at the same or similar gear/level/stars. Or just add that person as an ally temporarily & use that exact toon multiple times.

    You don't like it, but it might be different at a higher level? Wait a while & try the toon out again when you have high-powered allies being offered to you.

    That's how it works. That's how it's supposed to work.
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    Dathcha - This Jawa would become worth farming now that Jawa Engineer has synergy with both Dathcha and Jawa. Unfortunately this character's lackluster ability support teammates although that is the character's role, renders him useless.

    Basic Ability -Needs a Tweak- Below average damage and chance to gain stealth. But why gain stealth? All other characters in GOH that can enter stealth give themselves or allies significant advantages when in stealth. Dathcha is not an Attacker and has poor DPS, so gaining stealth does not pose a threat. Dathcha is a support character but does not support allies when entering stealth.

    Special Ability -Needs Major Buff or Rework- Possibly the weakest of AOE attacks in GOH although the 50% chance of Ability Blocking is actually quite bad, on average you will merely ability block 2 to 3 characters while doing hardly any damage at all. And it requires a 4 turn cooldown. The 50% chance to stun droids is powerful, but is very often not useful. If this Ability were to either do significantly more damage or as I would suggest further debuff the enemy team, this could make Dathcha's use of Stealth a true threat. As of now, Dathcha's lack of DPS and lack of significant Debuff utility are what hold him back from impacting a battle.

    Leader Ability -Needs Complete Rework- Greatest flaw and without a doubt should be reworked. Dathcha is the only character in GOH that has a leader ability that is only useful against a certain enemy. When used against droids, yeah it is pretty good but again the utility is just not there. Datcha's AOE and his Leader Ability are characteristics that fit much better in Dathcha's Unique ability in place of his current Unique Ability.

    Unique Ability -Acceptable... for an Attacker- Gaining Crit Chance for each living Jawa ally and buffed Crit Damage would be great for a high damage Attacker, but is it right for a "Support" character like Dathcha? No. While this Unique Ability is currently attempting to support Dathcha's poor DPS, it seems like his Leader Ability would be a better fit for his Unique Ability.

    TLDR / Summary: Dathcha's main flaw is the lack of focus in his role. Dathcha is supposed to be a support character however his basic ability does not align with support role and his special ability does not (1)do enough damage or (2)impact the enemy team enough to be effective(what should happen), this ability becomes very useful if there is a buff to either, considering his chance to gain stealth on basic. Leader ability needs to become Dathcha's Unique or something similar, instead of the terribly useless leader ability he currently has. Overall Dathcha either needs to fill an attacker or a support role, not both.

  • Tayvyer
    115 posts Member

    And really agree about Boba, Cad and Chewie
    I am Norwegian!
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    First order storm trooper needs a taunt. I have farmed him forever and doesn't do any good other then survive a while.

    Anakin needs some love not powerful enough for the level of Jedi he is suppose to be.

    Jedi in general: everyone else has abilities against them why don't they have any against anyone but droids. They need better leadership and better unquie abilities.

    Better leadership across the board: why do I see the same 4 people as leaders for ever top squad; dooku, old Ben, phasma and ackbar/qgj. If you don't have them you won't stay in the top 100
  • scrufy
    1 posts Member
    I decided to play around with little used combos to see if I could get something interesting and I did find one combo.
    Bariss lead with lumi, 88, rey, savage, and either 5555s or phasma. Bariss gives just enough heal every turn to revitalize and heals through (yeah i know "balance") debuff. paired with lumi unless I'm caught by surprise i always have a heal ready and she is actually kind of a tank. takes a bit to take her down. I'm not shooting for top arena spot but she keeps me around the 100 mark in arena at 77 on a 7* g8 team and for GW I never worry anymore..
    Just my 2c.
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    First order storm trooper needs a taunt. I have farmed him forever and doesn't do any good other then survive a while.

    Anakin needs some love not powerful enough for the level of Jedi he is suppose to be.

    Jedi in general: everyone else has abilities against them why don't they have any against anyone but droids. They need better leadership and better unquie abilities.

    Better leadership across the board: why do I see the same 4 people as leaders for ever top squad; dooku, old Ben, phasma and ackbar/qgj. If you don't have them you won't stay in the top 100

    I made a Windu rework thread that would actually help with both of your last two points. Here's a link if you want to check it out
  • Winters
    70 posts Member
    Anakin's Smite should be a mass dispel of positive effects.
    His unique should be our right changed something like:
    Chosen one: Anakin has 80% counter attack chance, and gains +7% damage for each living Jedi ally.
    This would make him an actual threat.
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    Here's my list (UNDERUSED and UNDERPERFORMING):
    1. Anakin
    2. Plo Koon
    3. Cad Bain
    4. Boba Fett
    5. Jedi Knight Guardian
    6. Mob Enforcer
  • Skirata
    163 posts Member
    Magnadroid - Just give him Taunt when a droid or leader (he is a bodyguard, after all) is dropped to half, like RG but specific to droids. Do this and droid teams can use him instead of the ubiquitous RG.

    CUP - too squishy, no synergies to exploit. A Coruscant cop needs to be tougher than the scum he hunts. Oh, maybe an advantage vs Scoundrels of some sort, just to be fun.

    Scoundrels - are they a team? Do they have an effective leader? I've never seen them, so I think some of them need some help.

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    DJC_Chris wrote: »

    @SpencersSocks the disadvantage of these proposed auto taunt characters is they inflict little damage so by putting 3 of them in one team you would be giving yourself a major handicap. Every top tier PVP team has RG whereas Jedi Guardian is not used at all and neither is FOST outside of First Order teams. I would like more auto taunters so that players have a choice and some variety in the teams we face rather than purely RG


    I'm not talking about offensively... I'm talking about it as a defensive squad in arena where with 3 huge health auto taunters you could run the 5 min timer out because every time you get one down the others would taunt and barris would heal back to max... Would just take an insane amount of time to beat resulting in a draw.
  • christopher152003
    381 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Better leadership across the board: why do I see the same 4 people as leaders for ever top squad; dooku, old Ben, phasma and ackbar/qgj. If you don't have them you won't stay in the top 100

    Sorry Had to correct you:

    1. Dooku
    2. Old Ben
    3. Phasma
    4. Ackbar
    5. QGJ

    I count 5 but I may be confusing your 4th and 5th for some character I am not aware of named Ackbar Qui Gon Jin.

    So if I am wrong I stand corrected.
  • IG_88_b
    60 posts Member
    How about giving Lobot an extra skill like Intercept Signals or whatever, removing enemy buffs
    That would make him more useful

    Also no idea why he has massive special damage
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