Synergies/Factions in General

129 posts Member
It's been mentioned several times in many of these rework threads, but giving characters more synergies (factions, affiliations, whatever), could help breathe life into a lot of the unused characters and open up some possibilities. Kind of like what was done to Lando adding the Rebel synergy.

Several mentions have been made with Jedi having the clone designation to them (how about Boba also!). Some of them may be a little bit of a strech lore wise, but hey, who's counting?

Various Jedi add Clones (Plo Koon, Anakin, Ahsoka, Eeth Koth, etc.)
Chewbacca: Add rebels
Ventress: Add Sith
Darth Maul: Add Nightsister
Savage Oppress: Add Nightsister

I'm sure you guys can think of more. Small change that might really shake some things up both individually and team wise.


  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I agree with the synergy thing. Many teams are just slapped together with no real synergy. Add some kind of affiliation bonus for having more characterso of one affiliation. For example, if you have 3 of 5 Rebels you get 5% offense up, 4 of 5 10% offense up, 5 of 5 15% offense up and +10% crit damage.
  • MasterSeedy
    5076 posts Member
    @Darth Jay77

    You already have that with many droids, with Geonosians, with Jawas...

    If faction-based leadership skills were more powerful than inclusive leadership skills, then you'd get that boost another way, b/c more characters would be getting the leadership boost.

    But I'm also of the opinion that there needs to be a way of adding a partial-faction: an ability to benefit from leadership skills that are faction-specific, but without adding any other advantages or disadvantages of the faction. You wouldn't actually be counted as a member of the faction for those Unique abilities that give a bonus for every ally of that faction, for instance.

    This could be for someone who is an "infiltrator" or just for someone who is used to taking orders from someone.

    The Royal Guard could have this ability with relation to Sith leadership skills. They are created and maintained as Sith servants, but they aren't Sith themselves.

    As a side benefit, if there were more crossover characters of this type, the faction-specific leadership skills would become more useful even without any sort of buff. So you might see more diverse leaders in the Arena & GW because more of the leadership skills allow you to bring in more of the characters that you'd like to add to your squad.
  • MasterSeedy
    5076 posts Member
    As a separate issue: The NightSisters are pretty pigeon-holed. Ventress b/c of her speed, of course. They certainly do see use outside of NS teams, but I'd like to see them become more useful. Giving them "infiltrator" status would mean more teams could use them.
  • Options
    the tuskens only have 3 as a complete team and one of them is a pay character. their synergy as a group is no good anyways.
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