Would assist team work?

(L) Phasma
IG 86
Tusken Raiders
GS ?
Yes or no?
Or who would u put in/take out of the team?


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    I just ran into an arena team with QGJ, RP, GS, ST Han, and Phasma. For some reason the guy put QGJ as the lead...but if he had put either Phasma or Han in it could have been great.

    To answer your question, no. An assist team would not work well, but if you throw in Han to the mix it could become deadly and viable quickly.
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    No, simply because they are too squishy. I can drop 86 & QGJ in one turn. Tuskin and Capt have decent health and protection, but not enough to tank.

    Might be a fun offensive team, but you'll only get so far. And you would definitely want to switch out to defend
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    I think Qui gon and genosian should stay. Maybe phasma too if you want her lead. But the other two aren't top tier characters. IG-86 has incredible damage, but slow and squishy, Tusken is a well balanced toon but not too fast, and not a great attacker I guess, I dunno never seen him. But either way! Qui gon, genosian and phasma, throw in a tank like Han or Royal guard, then add in a toon you like. And I'm sure you'll have a solid arena team.
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    No, simply because they are too squishy. I can drop 86 & QGJ in one turn. Tuskin and Capt have decent health and protection, but not enough to tank.

    Might be a fun offensive team, but you'll only get so far. And you would definitely want to switch out to defend

    You would be better off with Han and RG to back up 3 assisters. But then that significantly reduces damage output.

    Basically it's best to have a mix of attackers, support toons, and tanks.

    Although some toons kind of blur the lines. Like my Vader. He is an attacker with over 34k health/protection at gear 9.
  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
    Mmmm. Maybe, GS Fives QGJ Rey(Too have someone to get called in for the assists, she does dummy damage) and a leader of your choice. Since the team is pretty squishy, you could run phasma lead, get a couplw bonus attacks, or Old Ben for some more bulk but he hits pretty bad, but that dodge is mighty plus the TM and you should be able to reset those cooldowns quickly.
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    They're awesome to push rank with but fall short if you have to defend with them. I tried it once and fell 100 ranks. :cold_sweat: Though it's most likely due to not having many toons Omega and past G9.
  • Ronon_Dex
    197 posts Member
    Best assist/counter team I've faced was Phasma, Dooku, Aayla, Fives, Kylo. The counter attacks + assists were crazy!!
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    Phasma, FOTP, 86, Kylie, Bane (or ****)

    All the assists!
    All the counters!
    All the bonuses attacks!
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    I use this as a suicide squad for GW
    Phasma (L)

    Now they're all getting starred, purple and levelled they do some serious damage.
    Not sure if use it as an 'A' Team.
    It's pretty good for raids too if you swap Dooku for Rey.
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    I use Phasma (L), QGJ, GS, RG and Daka. Daka and QGJ have omegas on their basics. The "worst" assist calls will be RG if the toon is already stunned or RG is below 50% (even then you get a chance at a slow) or Phasma, who still has a chance at defense down.
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