Shaak Ti

Considering she's one of the few Jedi, and even fewer more known Jedi, to survive Order 66, I think she deserves a spot in this game. Actually I forget if she survived in cannon or non, but regardless she had a spot on the Jedi council and was renowned as one of the best swordsman so that enough should let her join. I was thinking she should be a tank (since she survived Order 66) but be the first jedi to taunt. There are plenty of anti Jedi characters but no anti Sith/scoundrel but Shaak Ti would make more sense for anti Sith. Plus, since she worked with clones, she should have synergy with Plo or the clones. I don't know good names for attacks but maybe it could be something like

Basic: Shaak Ti deals physical damage with a 25% chance to ignore opponents' armor
T2: +5% damage
T3: +10% damage
T4: +15% bonus effect chance
T5: +5% damage
T6: +25% bonus effect chance
T7: +15% damage
T8: +25% chance for herself and all clones to gain 30% turn meter, with other allies receiving half that amount

Special: Physical damage to all enemies that deals 25% less damage to all light side characters and an additional 25% damage to dark side characters.
T2: +5% damage
T3: +5% damage
T4: +40% chance to (Stun or ability block, what do you think? I was thinking ability block) any Sith characters
T5: +15% damage
T6: +45% (stun or ability block) chance
T7: +10% damage
T8: +5% extra damage to both light and dark side characters (-20% to light, +30% to dark)

Unique: Shaak Ti gains +20% damage to Sith enemies and taunts for 1 turns whenever a clone dies.
T2: +5% damage to Sith enemies
T3: +5% damage to Sith enemies
T4: +20% Tenacity during taunt
T5: Taunt duration +1 turn
T6: +5% damage to Sith enemies
T7: Taunts on Jedi death
T8: +30% Tenacity during taunt

Leader: All allies gain +10% damage against Sith
T2: +5% damage to Sith enemies
T3: +10% damage to Sith enemies
T4: Gain defense up on Sith death
T5: +5% damage to Sith enemies
T6: Defense up duration +1
T7: +5% damage to Sith enemies
T8: Defense up duration +1

Max stats should be around (not doing all of them, this is just all my opinion on how she should be):
Health: 22,500
Protection: 12,000
Speed: 124
Physical damage: (okay idk what the rating has to do with anything so let's just say at max stats she should do 3750-4150. Seems to be about average for tanks)
Physical Critical Rating: (I don't know what's average. Should be a little more than average tho since she's a renowned blade master and her attack is average ish)
Potency: 80-90%
Tenacity: 45-50%
Health Steal: 10%

I'm sick of the teams with Sidious, Savage, Dooku, Maul/Vader, and Lumi. Maybe this will be ignored and maybe it doesn't fit Shaak Ti as great as it should but there needs to be a anti Sith Jedi. Hopefully she doesn't seem too overpowered, I think she's a little under since none of her percentages add up to 100%. I was also thinking she could be an attacker since she's a great sword master, or maybe a healer for helping out and teaching in that one Star Wars game even tho that isn't canon. Idk Mace is alright at best (his damage is decent and is health is decent but ever since Poe got taken out of the meta, shatter point is pretty much useless now because of RG and his niche can be filled easily by better characters), Plo is good if he's maxed out but bad if not, Ima seems decent, old Ben is good, and Jedi knight guardian isn't too great. The Jedi are lacking in good tanks. Hopefully when Saesee Tinn is added he'll also be a worthwhile tank. But I'd be pretty happy with Shaak Ti if she came into the game with all of the above, I wouldn't have any complaints.


  • Options
    She did survive in canon iirc.
    You kill her in the force unleashed (not canon).
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    She did survive in canon iirc.
    You kill her in the force unleashed (not canon).

    Yeah, the scene where Grievous killed her was technically a deleted scene, and I believe she is encountered in Rebels at some point? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    @ OP: I really want Shaak Ti to be a character, but implemented as is, I doubt she would see too much play. Her AOE doing less damage to QGJ and Rey while they are being protected by RG is a huge shortcoming. Taunting for clones really isn't a big deal, as they are mostly quite tanky, and she won't take the place of ST Han/RG either way if they do want a tank.

    I do like the idea of ignoring armor (suck it Old Ben) on her basic, I'd keep that. Something I'd put on her special, instead of the damage discrepancy, that perhaps her special attack cannot be evaded, and if she hits a Sith character, she gains some amount of turn meter, or the cooldown resets. Does something like that sound good? It's more universally applicable against evasion leads while still having a nice bonus against Sid/Dooku.

    Unique ability could be something like this: Whenever a Clone or Jedi ally takes damage, Shaak Ti gains Speed up for one turn. Whenever a Clone or Jedi character dies, Shaak Ti gains Retribution for three turns.

    She does seem like she should have a leader ability, but these would be my ideas, let me know what you think!
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    I like it, I think the bonus abilities should just be against dark side characters in general and not just sith. In the top end of arena nobody uses any sith Excpet for dooku. Also the taunt is unreliable, really she needs to taunt before the clones die, maybe change it too whenever a clone or a Jedi falls below 50% HP she taunts
  • Options
    She's in the data files so only a matter of time
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    She is not in Rebels, at least not yet. Deleted scenes don't count and neither does TFU. We know that she's in charge on over watching the clone production on Kamino (so she should have clone synergy!). From there, we don't know. I imagine being in a room full of clones commanded to kill you doesn't bode well for her fate.
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    Why not, ima gun di was in like one episode of clone wars and we have him. Lots I'd rather have than more Jedi but if we get a new Jedi, she's a pretty good choice.
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    There's a deleted scene where Anakin (now Vader) kills Shaak Ti as he enters the Jedi temple. I'm not sure if that's her cannon demise either?

    +1 on having her in this game.
  • Options
    According to canon, to date, her fate is unknown. I imagine she was killed at some point in the Purge if not Order 66 itself. There are the previously mentioned semi-canon deaths at the hands of either Grievous or Anakin. TFU I don't even consider.

    But, yeah. Bring her on. Clone synergy for sure.
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    All the armor ignore abiltys are garbedge please no on that basic
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    Hmm.. Maybe a dark side character should have the damage discrepancy. I think it's a nifty idea, but you're right maybe it shouldn't be on Shaak Ti. Clone synergy is a must but I don't think she should be too reliant on clone synergy because they're all hard to get. Rex and echo are still chromium only, fives is competing with QGJ and Daka and kind of Ahsoka in cantina shipments, and clone sergeant is hard battles only. If she's too reliant on clones, she'd be put off until they're f2p. So maybe it's 50/50 clone/Jedi so she can be used right away. Ignore armor on basic would be a cool idea and I do think she should have an AoE because Plo, Kit, Yoda, and Anakin are the only ones with it (correct me if I'm wrong). Perhaps her leader ability would be the speed boost for the clones?? And a smaller amount for Jedi?? And no, I think she should stay as Sith only because there's no anti light side character. Now that'd be op. Getting rid of Dooku in higher places would be a big plus. But noooo no retribution for her. If she gets retribution, her and Dooku would be going at it until one of them dies or until she's stunned lol
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