Jedi/Sith Need Buff

1120 posts Member
With the exception of QGJ who is a great all around toon and Dooku/OB1 solely for their leader abilities, Sith and Jedi and fallen off of the radar.

Sid has too low of health and does not do enough damage.

Vader, we do not have access to the shards to get him high enough to be useful.

Maul, too slow and too low health to survive.

Savage, too slow for current arena.

Yoda, great toon, but he has disappeared from arena. Possibly because his health is too low?

Aksoka, good recent buff, but her primary attack does not do much damage and her health is still too low. Omega Rey flurry of blows can one shot her.

Aayla/Kit/IGD/Mace/etc., many of these toons are too slow to be effective in the current meta, plus add their vulnerability to things like stun from Dooku/Daka/RG.

Most every team in my arena is not using Jedi or Sith with exception of leader abilities from QGJ/Dooku/OB1. Many teams currently consist of Leia, Rey, RG, Rex, 5s, Sun Frac, ST Han, etc.

With this in mind, it feels like it is time for the Jedi and Sith to get a buff and be viable again.


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    Being that these characters are some of the most powerful in the SW universe, it's sad that they aren't reflected in the game that way. No Jedi should take second seat to a bug or an anonymous dude wearing a red sheet.
  • Bialaska
    74 posts Member
    I do see Lumi quite often in Arena too, and at times JC too. And once in a while Barriss.

    But I agree, both the Sith and the Jedi are overall quite bad. In particular I am very disappointed about Darth Sideous and Darth Vader.

    Darth Sideous manipulates the Old Republic and reforms it into the Empire. He brings an end to the Jedi Order, with only few survivors. And he proves himself to be extremely powerful with both lightsaber and the force. In this game he is rather average. His damage is average and his health is average.

    Darth Vader is the most feared man in the Empire, having hunted down and killed a number of Jedi. And before his fall he was one of the strongest Jedi alive. To be honest, I would be fine with Darth Vader if only his damage on his basic attack was higher. Right now it's just pathetically low considering he is supposed to be an Attacker. Considering he is both Sith and Empire, I would like to see his Leader ability provide boost to both Empire and Sith too.
  • Wetwurx
    193 posts Member

    As being one of the few who buck the system and go against meta, no Rey, RG, Bugs or Dooku it would be nice to see more viability for what should be the most powerful characters in the universe.

    I currently run 3 Jedi, I know unheard of. Plus Han and Daka. QGJ G10 lead with Yoda G9 and a max Ani at G11. I understand this is my choice. But the same arguments made for making non name characters like GS powerful enough to compete should be also considered in balance with Jedi and Sith alike.

    Every team in arena more or less looks the same save for those few who find a way to do it differently or spend their way to a clone team with an RG and Sun Fac.

    I spent a lot of time pre balance update working on toons I thought would be significantly better because they were slowish and was led to believe the damage out put would be increased to make them more viable. Savage is a good example. Post balance he is still slow and the dps he provides is not sufficient in the current landscape.

    It seems things are more out of balance than they should be.
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    I totally agree. The very reason this game was appealing in the beginning, IMHO, was the possibility to re-enact epic conflicts/battles from the Star Wars universe, mainly, but NOT only from the two top factions: Jedi/Sith.

    Since the Star Wars universe comprises as well many different factions, and some of them viable top tier toons to properly represent each faction, SWGOH is more a mixed bag of improperly balanced chars that, for most of them, do not represent their proper powers/abilities from the Story.

    Although I can understand that in order to create a balanced game, all chars should be somewhat "balanced", otherwise they will simply be benched eternally, Jedi/Sith should NEVER be as obviously outclassed, underrated as they currently are, by just a random combination of out of sink toon.

    As a Jedi lover, I feel my core joy of creating a top tier Jedi Arena build(as an example) has been denied me, and from the looks of it, may well be for some unfathomable eons, if some balance is not implemented.

    It is in my belief that a great fix would be much more high synergy toons, reflecting proper Star Wars powers/abilities, fore each respective faction, where, depending on faction, there is/isin't top tier toons present.

    The best example would be Ewoks builds: there is no real top tier, outstanding Ewok char, but combined, make for an excellent specialized build. There should be more of such high synergy factions available.

    Please make SWGOH reflect the Story, so real, hard core Epic battles can take place between factions.

    My two cents.
  • Woofy_MC
    219 posts Member
    Sid was very good once, but he got nerfed too much, because he did a lot of dmg. I agree aswell that the Jedi are horrible. Lumi, QGJ, Old Ben and Ashoka are the only ones that are good to go, maybe Yoda too but the rest is plain useless and stupid...Kit and Ayla are Chromium exclusive which makes them even more of a joke, considering how bad they are. I would like to see some improvement done to these guys...
  • joel_c
    15 posts Member
    Jedi's rely too much on synergy. Old ben is a great leader for a jedi hybrid team. I currently run OBK(l) qgj, ahsoka, lumi, with RG. Ill probably replace lumi with Rey once I complete her.This team seams to keep me in the top 50. I plan on moving to an IGD led team once I hit level 80.

    I think Anakin and Mace need some buffs.
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    I agree, it would be great if Jedi's/Sith were improved a bit. Mainly because most of my best characters are them. Haha. But I started building them up when I first started playing the game simply because they were my favourite characters from the franchise. Like I bet a lot of others did too. Never realised so many other factors played a role in how good a character was, or how to make a good squad until I started viewing these forums. Who'd have though Geonosian Soldier would have been so good when you 1st started playing this game?

    For how hard some Jedi/Sith are to get and to get to 7*, ie Vader and Yoda, they should be two of the best characters in the game. But Vader isn't. (not unlocked Yoda but he doesn't seem that good when I've faced him in an arena battle.)

    An all Jedi team has worked well for me in Light Side battles, especially if I've borrowed Ima Gun Di, but still too easily beatable.

    But if that how the game is then so be it. :) It'll keep building them up and enjoying them for what they are. If I can stay in the top 250 in the arena and sneak into the top 200 occasionally with my mainly Jedi/Sith team I'm happy. Will take too long to build up others to become another clone arena team and well, I don't want to become another clone team.
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