dooku seems bit OP ?



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    Exactly, if you have good RNG he can be a beast. Though the one shots by Leia or FotP are far more OP.
    Leia is broken, FotP isn't since he is one of the few that can get passed gear lvl VII. Gear beats everything in this game.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    WhipiT wrote: »
    I voted no. But I see and understand the argument that duku is overpowered. Dooku his 2nd cousin on the other hand is extremely overpowered.

    Second cousin? Maul?
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    The thing that makes Dooku the great hero that he is is that at least as much and probably more so than any other hero, he will control the tempo of the fight. Especially against Jedi teams.

    That said, you don't really have an OP hero until there are no realistic ways of dealing with him. Dooku is not OP; but is very useful:

    1. He is very easy to focus, even if you are running a full/mostly Jedi team. He doesn't gain the evasion that Sid does against Jedi. He drops very fast as his health at 5* (don't have a 7* to compare) is in the two shot range of many heroes.
    2. One stun renders him dead and without much of a price to pay. At equal level/star, there are many heroes that can get a stun to stick on him.
    3. An ability block renders his stun lightning a non-issue.
    4. Single target dps is almost always a winning trade against him. (He takes more damage than you)

    Now, he is great against Jedi teams and AOE damage teams. He synergizes with any leader/hero with bonus attacks/counters.

    Now, for those out there that are still leveling/starring/gearing your team, he will he annoying, but be patient as he gets easier to fight as you grow. I've seen reports that his AI is bugged to his favor, but haven't seen this myself yet. He gets so many extra attacks and has a high speed that to a slower team it could seem like 4+ in a row.

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    He's a glass cannon type of toon. I dont consider him OP. His downside is his health. High damage but too squishy toon.
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    nice tips, thx @Cpt_Dan.
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    I think the vote speaks for us all
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    I think the vote speaks for us all
    true, thx very much for taking part in the poll guys/gals.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Dooku have a tendence to go for the weak spot on your team, in my case he goes foer talia, but I know it so I have the strat for it, you maybe thinking he is going for sid in my team and he is strong, and yes that he is from atack view, but the way the AI sees it he has low def./health and goes for him.

    But it only what I have opserved on my iPad, and again he only 5* dooku I've seen is my own, that I only use to get first attack in GW, that might change in the future when lvl cap goes up.
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    in my opinion, duku seems a bit OP, with 100% counter & extra hits, i think a rebalancing would be nice, say 75% counter chance, if extra hits stays, what you guys/gals think?
    Once you able to complete GW, you'll know Dooku is anti newbie.

    Once you look at rank #1 player in arena, you'll look at your wallet and cry foul play and you can't do anything about it.

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    ha ha, true bout the wallet thing, i see players saying they spend over $700 on the game....woa thats a lot of money, i a small car in my country with that money. lol
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    DrusLee wrote: »
    He's a glass cannon type of toon. I dont consider him OP. His downside is his health. High damage but too squishy toon.

    Hes not even a high damage character, it just feels that way because his counters do 15% more damage. The only thing that makes dooku annoying to me is his chance to gain 35% turn whenever he attacks outside his turn, because this on rare occasions can lead to the "omg hes attacked 4x before some my characters attacked".
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    I've never had problems with Dooku. Even at lower levels. But typically people who have problems with him are those who have yet to reach level 60 and have not really built up a team with good synergies. Nerfing Dooku would make him even less viable than he already is.
  • WhipiT
    591 posts Member
    Everyone has to stop looking at characters by there singular power. Is Dooku overpowered in the cookie cutter teams? Absolutely not. His damage is quite bearable.

    Put him in a team led by Phasma where his extra attacks can trigger attacks by characters who's basic can hit for 5k+....then yes he does become extremely strong bordering overpowered. But to me..that's balance. Every character should have a synergy where they shine.
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    I have Dooku at 6* - I did just put him back in my PVP team after dumping him for weeks, but that's because I still run against teams with Jedi - specifically Jinn and Old Ben - and speed has become so powerful that his force lightning on those guys can be huge. Uncle Ben especially to prevent his Dirty Minute Rice Mind Tricks that knee caps your squad. He's not OP at all though by any means. He's a solid niche toon with good utility. His basic hits for 1400 still, which is a chip on many toons. His FL is around 2400. That's nice to start off a match, but it's not overpowering anything. His health is still <9k, so he can go down in 2 good hits, or 1 good one from TIE. He has his place. If key Jedi completely vacate the meta though I'm not sure if he gets run. His overall low damage and modest health as you get broader in to the game's roster would make him a liability vs. non-Jedi since that's where a lot of his niche value is.

    Meta is also shifting so fast. There doesn't seem to be a clear cut set of x toons are the best, but various combinations have strengths / weaknesses against others. Heck, he could be out of the lineup tomorrow. If the Jinn / Ben speed meta hadn't popped back up, not sure Dooku would be getting any run right now. I'm still nervous about him on defense. I'll monitor how that goes. So far he's holding ok. I'm at rank #6 still despite not having played in about 17 hours.

    TL;DR - Dooku at 6*+ and in the top meta is a niche toon with use still - so he doesn't suck, but he's not anything close to OP. He's a piece to a team or a tactic, but he's not an anchor by any means. He has utility overall and can be very good in niche situations. That's what Dooku is.
  • Darivon
    134 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    There's a reason why Dooku is labeled as " Support " despite his description mentioning him being a "High-Damage Attacker". Cause that's excatly what he is: A decent Support toon for the real heavy hitters.
    The broader your roster becomes the more you realise that some of those Categories actually DO make sense. Even tho it doesn't seem that way at first glance.
    Note to CG if you re reading this: Please don't let any of the " Dooku is OP " stuff influence your decisions on wether or not you consider him a " Topic / Issue ". The first "Known Issues" version had me a bit worried. Glad you backed off on that one. Just sit it out and wait till more people get access to more maxed toons.
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    Hes fine.
    Qui-Gon progress in cantina currently 4* gear lvl 7.
  • Midirataj
    121 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    It's a bit funny beacuse. High lvl players dont mind Dooku. Low lvl Dooku runners are definitely in majority over the Dooku non havers. It's comedy.
    I suggest that people with attitude "he's fine" switch roles and learn to sympathize. Try an duel 18k team, where 16k team rolfs all over you. Dooku first attack two stuns, plus phasma downtown. So well yeah thats a synergy every army in the world is looking for. Obliterate enemy before he get a chance to fight back. Next time I'll bring 3 stunners to ensure I can counter dooku after he stuns two of the stunners.

    "dooku, He's fine" and "i'm f2p in top 1-2 since early december" you can almost here the voice tone being like "come on, it's obvious, everybody feels the same - it's general knowledge"
    are my forums favorites:*
    Also it's like getting rid of annoing kid, who want's to heist the top shelf cookie jar.
    "I cannot reach, it's not fair"
    "don't you worry my sweetpie it's not a problem when you grow up."
    "But mum i'm five, this cookie would mean a world to me"
    "Oh honey life is a female dog, better get used to bitter, sweet makes your teeth go baddie baddie"
    Edited: typo kessel run.
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    Cpt_Dan wrote: »
    If only there weren't 25 other threads with this same complaint. Honestly, if you feel that Dooku is OP, you are in for a world of hurt when you face the truly strong characters.

    I think we are in the same meta, your name is very familiar to me
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Hes not really op cause hes pretty squishy, but its can be really annoying facing back to back to back fully geared/starred dookus in GW. The only thing that could be readjusted if anything is his meter gain on extra attacks. Other than hes pretty balanced

    I agree. Also, it could eat up the time in the arena watching him take his multiple attacks.
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    If he didn't ha e the chance to stun, ability block, and double attack on each counter, he would be acceptable. I just left a fight where the Dooku- Phasma combo allowed Dooku to get more hits than my entire team. It is really just too **** much. He needs a hit on his abilities. Sorry but true.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    unholiest of necros. feast of undead text
    mighty chlorians
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    I rank number one often on my server and I sometimes have him in and sometimes not. It's all about balance, there are loads of toons that work in the right team and flop in the wrong one.
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    Meh, he's pretty weak late game. Not garbage, but not too tier. In sure somebody has already made the argument for why this is the case.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
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    He is easy to beat 1 hit, low hp. Is balanced.
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    Use him at 7* defs not op but very very good character
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    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    Use him at 7* defs not op but very very good character

    Yeah total necro post but better than a new one.

    I have him at 6* maxed gear and yes he is good but still dies quite easily when focused. His health appears high but he must Wear highly breathable armor as he drops fast. Once the Jedi fully pick back up in next patch his value goes up. As it stands now I bench him without at least 2 major Jedi it 3 normal l
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