Good or bad? in depth analysis

28 posts Member
Hello there!
So before i start i wanna warn you this is going to be a VERY long read, collecting everything i can think of about the game. If you reading this post think it’s worth it please quote the parts you liked, add your thoughts and try to create good content out of this post! If you think i’m wrong same applies, let’s discuss it! I really hope some of the devs can take 10 minutes an read this, maybe out of the 15 thousands things i’m gonna throw at you one is good and helps this game to grow!
I was gonna post this in feedback section but i didn’t found a general category, and i wasn’t ok with splitting this post into 10 little ones, one for each feedback category. If the mods think moving this post there to have a better chance debs can see it please do so, just pick a sub category for me, i couldn’t chose.

Ok let’s get into it, i want to analyze every single aspect of the game i can think of, and point out good things and bad things, as well as give some ideas to fix what i think it’s broken (because just pointing out errors is non constructive). I apologize for the language, i’m italian an i’ll try my best. Remember my point of view is free to play level 79 at the moment

Ok first argument to be made here is: good job! since the protection patch i’ve noticed a really good balance in the nodes, there is people who 3 starred every single battle but i don’t find them easy, and i guess no one does. This is exactly the kind of balance we are looking for.
The refresh on hard nodes is kinda ok, i almost never did it because of my free to play nature, but i’m not against it it’s a great way to make people spend their crystals if they want to speed up the farm process.
The drop rate for purples is were i find my first “ouch” in the game. I think it’s really bad i’ve gone through 120 energy refreshes to farm some purples on a 12 energy node getting 1 or 0, and when this happens it’s kinda disappointing right? There is a nice fix to this problem and i’ll get into a bit of math later on speaking about shipments, where you finally sell good items! So not a total bad argument here, in general LS/DS is a very good part of the game!

Another well created zone in the game, i feel like you had a pretty nice idea on how to mix up things, and be able to differentiate farm. Here’s where you can farm a character from the nodes rather “quickly”, the drop rate on shards is fine and getting exp droids ability mats and credits is fine too. Giving 2 nodes for the same guy on a different price sometimes is really smart too letting us the option to farm quicker at the expense of the secondary drops we’re looking for, cantina tokens especially.
Again balance factor on how hard it is to complete the nodes it’s great! a very difficult challenge for most of us, to 3 star the last nodes, but not impossible! Good job there again
Cantina battle store is the last thing i wanna touch, and let me tell you i’ll never spend my valuable tokens into some green and blue ability mat. I feel like that spot is wasted, and if you wish to give this opportunity out you should give a better ratio on those ones (especially thinking that, in my personal experience, i’ve never run out of those 2 but only on purples, and now omegas of course). Stacking good characters here to make it a choice on who we want to farm first sucks, but hey that’s ok! Not complaining about this, i see the point of it and i’m not against it

Here there’s some big problem going around, look i’m fine with the general system of fighting enemy teams to reach the top of the server, and get better prizes based on your position, and i’m “ok” with the fact that we’re receiving those at 7 pm even tho there is no chance to set the time as we want, and people with other things to do between 6 and 7 pm during the day are taking a big hit, considering how different the reward can be looking at the first 10-20 spots in the leaderboard. A big hint i wanna try to give out is to let us chose the time of our arena payout, and to charge crystals to change it in the future. I bet this would take many many thanks from everyone in the community, and net you some crystals from people changing payouts from time to time. Just set a limit or whatever to be sure the system isn’t exploitable, one change per day taking place starting from the day after you change it should be enough to prevent people getting first in the arena 6 thousands times in a couple days! :)
The second bad thing i can point out in the arena is the ranking system. A lot of people is against it and others are ok with it. I’m one of the guys not completely happy about it, sitting in the middle i guess. I get the point, we need to see a leaderboard and we need to fight for better positions to get better rewards, it’s just the way we’re doing it that sounds bad to me. One idea i can try to give is to use mmr system, like thousands of other games already do. I’m sure a good point can be made for that, even combining rewards in a sort of daily mmr and monthly mmr, resetting it at the end of the month. This would let you get a little but nice reward on the day you had to miss your arena fights, a decent and balanced reward on the day you’re actively playing and the monthly reset would give everyone a chance to reach the top if they got better at the game during the previous month. Refreshing battles would still apply, because fighting more gives you the chance to gain more mmr during the day (even a daily drop on mmr would be enough to keep you in the fight everyday, i’m sure there’s a good way to point this thing out). Bonus to this strategy? no more snipes in the arena, no more complains, no more payout times!! everyone gets their reward when the daily activities reset for them, considering the whole day of fights giving you the reward based on your end of the day mmr, the leaderboard persists, you could see who’s the strongest in the server having the highest mmr and the options to fight people should be based on your mmr, so that when you reach the top exactly like it’s now, you’ll have to fight the best guy to gain more mmr, because being number 2 and fighting lower mmr guys on spots like 3 and 4 would give you very little points, like mmr system is usually implemented. Plus you can show us only “near” opponents. Just an idea, obviously not perfect, can be worked on, a way to monetize it can be found and it should solve two big problems, the sniping position and the payout time, all in once.
Arena store is fine, and again the ability mat is present this time in the purple version (ok, we’re doing progress) but at a very very bad cost to say the least, i’d never think that’s worth almost 10 shards of a character.

Little to say here, finally with the droid event you found a nice way to let us spend our ally points out of bronziums, this opens up very nice possibilities.
I personally think the cost of the products you sell is outrageously bad, considering other games and such, but hey if people is spending their money and you’re making it, who am i to say you to lower down the costs? You do the math, and I’m sure you already did, i’m just astonished thinking how much money can people spend for such a little reward in game. Completely fine this way tho, since i probably wouldn’t spend money even if it were to be changed for a better ratio.
A problem i never encountered but i’ve heard about, and since i’m doing it i’ll point out because i agree, is that chromium packs lose value the more you get them, i believe there has to be a curve where buying little or too many is just useless, and there has to be a good number to stop at given the pulls you have, mainly based on when you 7 starred some of the characters you’re interested in (because as we all should know, having a 4 stars leia isn’t gonna help you much in the end game). A good improvement should be made for those who are spending crystals on packs, giving a good way to keep the value of the pack high when you bought a lot of them (converting drop of shards of 7 starred characters into something different maybe? this would force the guy to promote the characters he pulled up to 7 stars to stop them from dropping in the packs, making them spend credits to increase their packs value.. or something on this line anyway)

Finally we get here, recently one of the greatest zones in the game since you finally gave it a really really good sense to exist. Great job tuning this out, now people can find the gear they need and the shards they need. I’m not telling you to add more gear like many others are complaining: “i can only find furnaces and nothing better” or “i can’t find furnaces after 9384948 refreshes”. This aspect of the game is in your hands and you decide how to balance it, i find it ok personally.
The decision to put chromium shards in here is great, the price is high enough to keep non chromium spenders away from the idea of getting a guy through this, and good enough to give those 6 stars 80/100 chromiums sitting in the bench of many players a way to see the light of a battle. This fixes a little the problem of chromium packs, since now you can “stop” looking for a specific guy there when you decide you got enough to finish him using the shipments. Still doesn’t solve the problem of the pack losing a lot of value when you bought a lot of them, just gives a nice way to play around it, if it makes sense we should call this one a fix and not a solution. Still great job.
Gear-wise i said before i was gonna do a little math here, but i lied :). I’ll just limit to say that for what it seems to me if you are already spending your normal energy 50-50 refreshing into something, and you have to spend your 100s to farm some purple gear, you should probably get it from the store if available, even considered from shipments you don’t get credits droids and exp that doing battles you would’ve got. This speeds up the process so much, and gives you such a good crystal value that’s worth it imo. If you would spend the 50s refreshes on farming purples than it could be closer, your choice. Not talking about “unobtainable” gear that we only get from raids, that one i feel you should always get given the possibility and your needs.
In general shipments have been the best improved area in the past 2 months in my opinion.

Ok so here there’s some problem. I feel like the game mode is funny, but needs something more. It gets boring after some time, it lasts too long and completing it is so worth it credit-wise that i feel obligated to do it everyday if i want to do a nice investment time speaking in the game. Half a million credits per day from GW is great, let me tell you. The point is that it takes so long, when you’re able to finish it, and it takes forever because it’s impossible other times. I passed through the point where i couldn’t finish it, i’m completing GWs everyday since may that i can remember, but i’m no blind i can tell you there has been moments where it was literally impossible to finish. I know many changes have been done there and that you’re constantly working on it, and i can’t go back in time and experience those 40 to 60 player levels again, when it was impossible to me, but one note i can give you is this one: why not implement like we have for raids a system where you can kinda chose a difficulty level for your GW? You’d get proportional rewards so if one day you only have little time you could chose an easy one and auto battle your way through it, getting less than what you could theoretically get, but that’s equal to just have the time to run through half of it. In the case it gets boring for you and you have time to spend you could throw up that difficulty level, at your own risks. Just my two cents, probably there are better ways to deal with GW problems.
GW store is completely fine

Well, the ratio sucks but you can chose that one as you wish. The addition of GG in there as an exclusive character is a nice one, given the effort required to have him i’m probably never even thinking about it, but i’m sure there’s people out there happy to see their excess shards go towards something new.
Probably a way to set up desired drops in there could help, even paying crystals for it, i’ve heard many times from players i know and i like to chat with, they’d pay crystals to setup a good chance to see the guy they are looking for in the shard shop.

These are generally “bad”. It’s basically free items for everyone given the time to auto battle through them. And at a certain point you’ll probably collect enough of that that’s not even worth it to run them anymore.
People saying it’s too hard so you made them super easy, and to me that’s not funny. Again, probably a nice way to chose the difficulty and get proportional reward would be greatly appreciated.
Oh i almost forgot how valuable credit droids and mats challenges are. Biggest help from the game getting those! A nice side-way to obtain those values, still super easy imo.
To be clear i’d be ok with a difficulty improvement, even if that would hurt me a little, but i know people would start crying.

A funny aspect of the game that’s always changing, nice addition and very well done. The only thing i can point out as many other did in the past, which makes me think you’re ok with it, is that training droids hunt and profit mining events are really a joke. I know you get it, you probably read this everyday in the feedback section.

Finally! Guilds are awesome, maybe..
There is something i want to point out here, keep in mind i’m super ok with how guilds were made and if i talk about the bad points is just because the rest is completely fine and working.
So the two things i don’t like about guilds are: we are supposed to be “friends” if we sit in the same guild, or to some extent we should wish the best to our guild mates, because that’s how guilds works in general, but everyday we’re fighting each other to get the best rewards, both in daily coins and raid rewards. I just wish there was a better way to give out rewards to the players other than making them group together and then fight for the glory. It counter intuitive and i dislike it. That being said the daily rewards are just slightly different from who contributes more to who does it less, but still..
Second thing i dislike is the raid rewards quality. Seems so bad and at the same time the only way to obtain certain gear pieces that i really dislike the amount of time i think i’m gonna have to sit there and wait for luck to pull a piece of the gear i need 5 of, because each of my characters needs it. It’s such a slow luck based grind that even the whales getting best rewards from tier 7 raids that i’ve spoken with aren’t enjoying their times!
The rest, the idea behind it and the implementation through phases, building guild currency to start raids and so on it’s really well done.
Guild store is fine, i really like the option to find some “hard farms” and exclusive characters in there, it adds a nice layer to the game, leads us to make decisions since we don’t get infinite amount of coins and so on, a really good approach. The gear i dislike a little, mainly because it’s way too hard to pay for it. Spending 16 thousands coins to get 50 pieces of something we need to upgrade less than 1/6 of the gear for one of our characters it’s way too much, in my opinion. And it’s not that there’s really a good way to speed that up, not even spending i mean, even counting tons of crystals spent per day towards getting more guild currency isn’t appealing.

Player level - I think with the level 80 patch you handled out pretty decently the problem of someone getting there with “nothing more to do” given the omega daily reward.
Energy - I personally dislike how fast the cost of energy refreshes increase but i guess that’s just me, playing from a f2p prospective, i’m sure you balanced that out as you like them, so i’ll take it. In the end it’s fine.
Credits - This has always been a problem for many players, me given the fact that i knew it before starting to play and given my hoard-er nature i’ve never run out, but i see how the problem is there waiting for me too. I’m sure tho as for many other things in the game, it’s not complaining about it that we’re gonna have better credit income, i’m sure you can handle it.
Crystals - As for the bundle packs here i’d love to say i don’t get how people can pay so much to have so little, but again, you’re the one making the money if it works for you, fine!
Battles - There are many problems here, mainly regarding AI on defense, which seems to be always on the upper hand of the coin flips, always on the 15% dodge chance and so on.. Couple this with a usually bad management of the battle in general and it makes a good situation where you can either win because “AI sucks” or lose because “he dodged 7 times in a row”. The outcome of a fight feels usually little related to the player skill and a lot related to the AI luck. I obviously don’t know how it works but it certainly isn’t the best, and i unfortunately have no suggestions here.. just pointing out a bad function and hoping you can make it better somehow. A little (a big little) point has to be made for characters not working properly, once you get used to it you can kinda play around it, but if i had to make the list of things not working as intended in battle it could be longer than this post. Hope you’re reading feedback section everyday and trying to implement a new way to manage battles so that characters can all work as intended.
Game fixes - I personally like when you fix bugs on broken characters, and i’d love to see that happen more frequently. I know fixing an old guy doesn’t bring you the same value as releasing a new one, so i can get past that, but it really sucks to see your favorite character being broken for so long, not working as it should, and then see the new released guy (echo) that has to bring his money home from his release being broken, and fixed one day later. One thing we don’t know is how the things are done and so on, so we can’t judge with a good eye, we just see things happen and we can’t see something like “ooooh yes fixing ben leader was hard, that’s why it took months, echo was just a comma away in the code from working, that’s why they fixed him so easily”. We see times and we have to judge upon them, and let me tell you with the most sincere words it really looks like you don’t give a shard about many characters in game with well known problems sitting there for months, i mean, maybe you’re working on them since the beginning but it doesn’t look like! I’m not asking for more fixes, i’m asking for more transparency, let us know what you’re doing

I hope this reading was somewhat useful, and i encourage the players that have come so far down here reading (my compliments) to comment, discuss with me and give their opinions.
I forgot to talk about something for sure since there is so much, but i’ll try to keep the post updated as i can. Thanks for reading, and to EA thanks for this game it’s really great, if i ever seemed angry or giving bad suggestions i apologize that’s not my will. I just care about this game and i wish it could always be better


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    You should break this all down into separate posts. Individual aspects can then get the focus they deserve rather than some parts that will innevitably get all the attention and others completely ignored. This way you will also avoid the whole TL:DR thing that is going to happen a lot with this post.
  • Options
    I agree with most of your points made. I would add that the CHALLENGES need to be changed. Either take away the timers or better still, go from 3 to 1 with triple the rewards, but definitely remove timers. Also, the rewards need to change daily so that we're not building up a stock pile of gear we don't need
    28 posts Member
    DjangoQuik wrote: »
    You should break this all down into separate posts. Individual aspects can then get the focus they deserve rather than some parts that will innevitably get all the attention and others completely ignored. This way you will also avoid the whole TL:DR thing that is going to happen a lot with this post.

    I don't feel like filling the forum with 10 little posts, maybe a little youtube series could work but still, requires a lot more time than this.. my hope is just that one dev can read through it and get the good parts
  • Options
    LELEZ wrote: »
    DjangoQuik wrote: »
    You should break this all down into separate posts. Individual aspects can then get the focus they deserve rather than some parts that will innevitably get all the attention and others completely ignored. This way you will also avoid the whole TL:DR thing that is going to happen a lot with this post.

    I don't feel like filling the forum with 10 little posts, maybe a little youtube series could work but still, requires a lot more time than this.. my hope is just that one dev can read through it and get the good parts

    Aye, do what you like - just giving a little feedback that would help this get the attention it deserves. Most people don't read long unfocused posts. All it would take is to copy paste each section into individual posts and I guarantee you'd get a lot more replies, otherwise this will quickly fall off the front page and never get seen by most.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    man I can't read this all in one haul at work :D
    Need a TL;DR or I'll read this detailled later.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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