Why do players try to snipe other players from their payout when it's not their payout?

Hey all,
Just wanted to know what is the logic of certain players after their payout to go and try sniping other players right before their payout in a very OCD manner.
If they want to be in the top I can understand, but they can always go back after a persons payout. But why try to stop other players right before their payout.
Have a few of those folks on my server and wanted to just know what's the point?


  • Liam87
    15 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Ignorance of the payouts or intentional attempts to irritate people for fun. I have personally had someone just trying to get their daily 3 battles done and it just happen to be when I was about to get paid out (no harm intended). People aren't omniscient, some people are cruel, and some just enjoy the arena battles. Many reasons for this to happen.
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    I guess you're right. The ones on my server I know are unfortunately doing it intentionally. They are whales and been doing it for over a month every day (perhaps they were doing it longer but didn't pay attention).
    I know when their payout is but don't want to use the same tactic. It's not the game I want to play. I can just hope they eventually get bored of it as it doesn't stop me from reaching my goal just find it childish. As if they are trying to make a point that only whales are allowed to be at the top.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Because they are
    Post edited by BentWookiee on
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  • Aayla_Secura
    34 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    The only comfort I get is knowing that they need to stay up till 1-2 in the morning to do it :)
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Believe it or not some guilds require you to stay in a top arena rank at all times. It doesn't happen on my shard but a lot of my guildmates have experienced this.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Aayla_Secura
    34 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I have no problem with that... Just wait after my payout. After the whales payout they are usually around the rank 2-3 but every time someone else goes for their own payout... 5-10 minutes before the payout the whales will snipe them every time.
    So I believe there is more going on than just holding rank 1-2 for guild requirement.
  • Mizo
    172 posts Member
    It isn't your pay out until you click it from your mail box.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    I always check the clock before starting a match that crosses a prize tier. If it is not my payout hour, i will make sure i dont win such a match in the last 5 minutes of any hour. Just in case. Other people are not as cool, but dont worry. The **** doing this probably pay someones salary at EA with all the crystals they buy.
  • zerizut
    425 posts Member
    there's one simple explanation: it's guild activity Arena day.
  • danrussoa
    964 posts Member
    Guilds are ranked. Would it not be prudent to keep other guild's from receiving higher payouts which will only ultimately serve to bolster their guild ranking?

    Just showing another possibility.
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    Some people just want to watch the world burn.

    Sometimes people have battles leftover before end of day refresh and just want to use them up.

    And sometimes it is guild activity arena day.
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    It can be annoying, particularly when the person sniping you is nowhere near their prize time. But like Gio says - weekend is a free for all due to guild activities.
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    Jedi_of_Oz wrote: »
    It can be annoying, particularly when the person sniping you is nowhere near their prize time. But like Gio says - weekend is a free for all due to guild activities.
    I agree with you on weekend... But the folks I'm dealing with are doing this on a daily basis and before guilds were even announced.

  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    At least have the decency to attack 1 minute after the hour if you are going to do this. I just use all of my attacks after 5pm when my payout is 6pm.
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    I must snipe. I am CST and over 10 players snipes
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    Why snipe.. My reason is i dont want you to get stronger than me hahahhahahahahhaha..
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    Ok, so I am missing a big-picture concept here and can use some schooling. How does one know when someone else's payout hour is in Arena? I assumed everyone on my shard had the same payout time. Is there a screen that shows when other people are paid out?
  • moranlips
    74 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey, you just have to watch the activity of the players and see if there is a pattern. On my shard, there are at least 7 people who are european. The position changes a lot in the last 20 minutes. Thankfully, I'm not in the same time zone as them, so I try to stay out of range so they don't snipe me and I don't interfere with their payout time. Payouts differ based on timezone, so not everyone will have the same payout time. It's a good thing, especially if there isn't a lot of competition at your payout time.
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    Luckily it seems like the 2 payouts on my server are 2pm and 7pm (mine) so the 2 groups usually don't overlap. Funny how I and a group of like 15 players wind up between 10-30 everyday, then come back the next and the full group is now ranked 40-60. Move back up, rinse, repeat. The only sniping I get is usually 2 of us shooting for under 20 (sometimes under 10)
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