Since EA_Jesse mentioned reviewing GW...

5046 posts Member
I read EA_Jesse mention that you're trying to make it a little less time consuming and a lot more fun. That's great. I'm one of the folk who has been complaining that the teams we face are entirely boring (because they simply recycle the same meta-favorite toons & team compositions, but a little harder each node)...

...and when a portion of a game is both boring AND hard to beat, you get boring+stressful, and that's just a fun-killer for sure.

So I'm very glad for that. One of the reasons I posted about this is because when I first opened GW at level 40, most of the players at my shard & level hadn't had a chance to unlock all the meta-favorite toons, so the algorithm you already use actually gave a variety of opponents.

At that time, I would have loved to play GW 2 times/day if I could.

Omegas are hard to get, and they should be. But if the team is able to come up with a way to give GW back the variety of challenges it had when we all unlocked it at level 40, I'd be happy with spending a while on GW.

Now, not everyone would of course, and I can't spend a huge amount of time on it every day, but on many days I might like to.

So while you're considering this, I'm going to re-propose something that I proposed back then: refreshing GW.

Now, GW provides ***serious*** benefits, in cash, training droids, & shards. Any refresh has to have a serious cost. At the time I first proposed this, I thought, "What if the refresh cost 1200 war tokens - so you can only refresh if you complete the whole thing?" Obviously I realized that this would allow you to double up cash & droids, even though it would restrict you to the same number of shards...but only if you had the time and only if you won 12 nodes both times. What I proposed, though, was that some "bonus" be contained in the node-12 reward crate that **wasn't** 400 war tokens. (thus you couldn't refresh another time, but also it could be a cool/rare reward).

At the time, I didn't know what that should be. Now I'm wondering if it couldn't be a single Omega ability mat. We already get a few ability mats in GW, You would be trading your 1200 War Tokens for a chance at 800 War Tokens + a single Omega ability mat.

Now, this won't work and isn't worth trying if GW doesn't become fun again. Setting up a reward that makes people feel they have to play it twice to keep up with their shard, while the GW is still experienced as boring and stressful is sure to be a losing/frustrating idea.

But if you get GW-reform right, and people are complimenting you on the way things are working...

...especially if the new GW takes less time to complete...

please consider a refresh mechanic that requires 1200 War Tokens, but gives the potential for 1 Omega. You could even make the 2nd GW on the same day have a slightly higher difficulty. If GW is **fun**, I sure don't mind it being difficult. It's only when it's boring+difficult that the difficulty becomes a problem.
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