Grand moff

Is anyone else excited that tarkin is in arena shipments now?

I started a new game and decided since I went all light side last time, I would go all dark side this time. So I've decided to try out an empire team (makeshift). Since I came to a roadblock in my other game on dark side (no healers), decided I would take talia up to 7* as fast as possible. Which is fine, but she is just not very strong in arena. The problem I've run into/the reason I'm posting this, is I don't think this game was meant to be played dark side first. Reason being that I have found a few dark side chars who needed gear from high level light side battles to even get to g7. Has anyone else run into that problem? or am I overthinking it?

Oh and about tarkin, you get the offense down or speed down from his special which is really useful when taunting with ST. And the basic is really strong when allies are living. Haven't used his leader ability yet cause I'm still building RG, but I imagine when I finally get vador one of those will lead.
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