Few character questions and idea for raid revamp

Has anyone gotten general Grevious is he worth trying to get?
Also how is Cad Bane? Is he any good. High damage or no?
Who is, in your opinion, the highest damager in the game?

Raid revamp idea.
I don't know about you guys but I get highly annoyed when I get into my raid and on the first turn I'm in the rancor one hit kills a fresh character. It annoys me to no end. To me that just means your whole raid and damage are based more on luck than skill. Instead I'd love to see it changed where each player has to hit a certain dps goal based on their level and Teir of the raid and give the rancor more hp. Allow skill and attrition be the determining factor rather than pure luck and just one hit kills.

For example. A level 70 player would aspire to do 7% total damage on the rancor for that day. Once they do the raid ends for them that day and the next day they can pick up and try to meet their 7% goal again. If you do the full 7% you get top tier rewards if not you get rewarded based of the tier vs damage dealt. Similar to how rewards are done now.

Anyone else share my frustration on the raids as they are now? Agree with my thiught and revamp or no? Just curious what other think and what their opinions are.


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