Kylo Ren

165 posts Member

So I really wanted to have Kylo Ren be viable, I don't even know if he fits on any team anymore. I've got him at gear 9 and he started falling behind even further as the game progressed. He's one of my favorite characters and from the looks of it he's complete garbage now. Anyone have success with him in any aspect?


  • Draykoh
    25 posts Member
    He works well in a First Order squad
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    I thought first order squads are pretty bad now?
  • Options
    Clones squad seems to be the new meta
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    Draykoh wrote: »
    He works well in a First Order squad

    He has not really any synergies with other FO members. I have a almost fully maxed FO squad and it loses big against the standard arena teams.

  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Draykoh wrote: »
    He works well in a First Order squad

    He has not really any synergies with other FO members. I have a almost fully maxed FO squad and it loses big against the standard arena teams.

    What is usually the issue? Damage, lack of utility, too squishy?
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    He currently has anti-synergy with his own kit. Every skill he has benefits from him being attacked, and there's no part of his kit that makes anyone ever want to attack him. The disjointed kit and low base damage makes him pretty useless.

    Some part of his kit needs to give people a reason to attack him if he is going to otherwise have a kit that so strongly disincentivizes hitting him. Maybe if he passively gained 50% offense if he hasn't taken damage since his last turn.
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    No damage on his basic. His special outrage is diffcult to get since the introduction of protection.

    For the FO-Team: FOTP itself has a decent output but is way to squishy, Rey is the better alternative due to her evasion. FOST is just there, he is basically a poor mans version of RG. FOO damage could be better, his tm special is only good if it hits the dps in the team. Phasma is great, but even as a leader, there is too much RNG as that the FO toons would profit from more attacks.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Try running him with 5s with Omega in basic. They'll have to attack Kylo eventually
  • Options
    Higher wrote: »
    Draykoh wrote: »
    He works well in a First Order squad

    He has not really any synergies with other FO members. I have a almost fully maxed FO squad and it loses big against the standard arena teams.

    What is usually the issue? Damage, lack of utility, too squishy?

    He's anything but squishy - he has one of the highest health pools in the game. But he should be able to gain advantage in some way - perhaps with two critical hits or more on rampage. He's the only fo toon that doesn't grant advantage in one way or another. And he needs a leader ability. He's a leader.

    His damage is okay on special, so long as he's able to reuse them. He can inflict a lot of damage in a match, but not when it counts. It's rare he'll be able to take out a low health opponent.
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    The one good thing about him is he doesn't require any raid gear to get to Gear9. Now you have it.
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Higher wrote: »
    Draykoh wrote: »
    He works well in a First Order squad

    He has not really any synergies with other FO members. I have a almost fully maxed FO squad and it loses big against the standard arena teams.

    What is usually the issue? Damage, lack of utility, too squishy?

    He's anything but squishy - he has one of the highest health pools in the game. But he should be able to gain advantage in some way - perhaps with two critical hits or more on rampage. He's the only fo toon that doesn't grant advantage in one way or another. And he needs a leader ability. He's a leader.

    His damage is okay on special, so long as he's able to reuse them. He can inflict a lot of damage in a match, but not when it counts. It's rare he'll be able to take out a low health opponent.

    Also that the protection thing nuffed him big time because you spend a considerably less amount of time at lower-than-half health now.

    It's would be nice for him to have a leader ability, but every FO team will feature Phasma as leader anyway (that's the only synergy Kylo has with FO team - Phasma granting him extra 20% bonus attack chance lol), so I am not sure if that's the buff you want to give him. Personally I think he's fine. The weakness link of the FO team is FOST. He seriously needs a taunt.
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    Maybe Kylo will be better in the FO-team when General Hux is released.

    Assuming General Hux can designate a Target for the enemy side to attack.
  • Romao33
    121 posts Member
    Give him a taunt, liek the Gamorrean! :D
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Higher wrote: »
    Draykoh wrote: »
    He works well in a First Order squad

    He has not really any synergies with other FO members. I have a almost fully maxed FO squad and it loses big against the standard arena teams.

    What is usually the issue? Damage, lack of utility, too squishy?

    He's anything but squishy - he has one of the highest health pools in the game. But he should be able to gain advantage in some way - perhaps with two critical hits or more on rampage. He's the only fo toon that doesn't grant advantage in one way or another. And he needs a leader ability. He's a leader.

    His damage is okay on special, so long as he's able to reuse them. He can inflict a lot of damage in a match, but not when it counts. It's rare he'll be able to take out a low health opponent.

    Oh I meant the whole FO squad, since there's no taunt or anything they're easy to take down

  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    If you're able to get SunFac, a fun team could be,

    Phasma lead
    FO Stormtrooper

    There's a big health pool in there and lots of counterattacking.
  • C00L_Story
    296 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Phasma as leader anyway (that's the only synergy Kylo has with FO team - Phasma granting him extra 20% bonus attack chance lol)

    Due to the fact he's a FO unit that's a 40% bonus attack chance. Assuming max level leader ability.

  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Everybody has 20%; that's why I said ''extra'' 20% bonus attack chance for him as he is FO.
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    Chance is doubled for FO units though..
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    Protection hurt a lot of the old AOE toons because the AOE, which was well balanced pre-protection in terms of damage to total enemy health pool, is now so weak. Kylo and many of the other AOE toons need their AOE damages buffed by as much as 50% in the post-protection world.
  • Options
    Kylo flat out is an average hero in this game. Mine is gear10 lvl 80 and I was most stubborn person using him in arena for months. He has a lot of health, he has versatility with AOE & Outrage. But with protection his AOE is super weak now and does nearly nothing in damage. He is so slow that the other team may have a couple characters take 2 turns before Kylo gets his first. His tenasity just destroys him. He is always stunned and Daka seems to always passive stun him when he is not main target. In arena now Kylo is useless.
    Slow/low damage/always stunned
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Protection hurt a lot of the old AOE toons because the AOE, which was well balanced pre-protection in terms of damage to total enemy health pool, is now so weak. Kylo and many of the other AOE toons need their AOE damages buffed by as much as 50% in the post-protection world.

    Also his outrage bonus damage, which triggers at 50% hp, is now in effect at 25% eHP so that was also indirectly nerfed by protection.
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    I think fixing his outrage to something like "This attack deals 75% more damage, if Kylo has no protection" would be a good step in the right direction.
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Kylo flat out is an average hero in this game. Mine is gear10 lvl 80 and I was most stubborn person using him in arena for months. He has a lot of health, he has versatility with AOE & Outrage. But with protection his AOE is super weak now and does nearly nothing in damage. He is so slow that the other team may have a couple characters take 2 turns before Kylo gets his first. His tenasity just destroys him. He is always stunned and Daka seems to always passive stun him when he is not main target. In arena now Kylo is useless.
    Slow/low damage/always stunned

    Perfect summation. I really hope he comes back at 90. If he was ever 'there.'
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Protection hurt a lot of the old AOE toons because the AOE, which was well balanced pre-protection in terms of damage to total enemy health pool, is now so weak. Kylo and many of the other AOE toons need their AOE damages buffed by as much as 50% in the post-protection world.

    This unfortunately applies to most DPS toons that aren't burst or assist calling. Toons like Anakin and others who were balanced for pre-protection, and often fit niche roles are now woefully bad because the entire game was rebalanced to deal with toons like Rey, QGJ, GS. I think protection was a good thing to help balance those toons without nerfing the essence of what they are, but most other toons weren't rebalanced to fit in this new world. As a result, they went from ok to lol.
  • Sirryker
    98 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    This unfortunately applies to most DPS toons that aren't burst or assist calling. Toons like Anakin and others who were balanced for pre-protection, and often fit niche roles are now woefully bad because the entire game was rebalanced to deal with toons like Rey, QGJ, GS. I think protection was a good thing to help balance those toons without nerfing the essence of what they are, but most other toons weren't rebalanced to fit in this new world. As a result, they went from ok to lol.

    Agreed. Protection was a bad idea we will have to live with. It ruins so many Siths (Sidious, Savage, Kylo, even Maul) and any character who focuses on AoE damage or who gets stronger only when enemies die. It also imbalanced galactic war. There's no going back now, but I think it's the worst change to the game since launch.
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    Sirryker wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    This unfortunately applies to most DPS toons that aren't burst or assist calling. Toons like Anakin and others who were balanced for pre-protection, and often fit niche roles are now woefully bad because the entire game was rebalanced to deal with toons like Rey, QGJ, GS. I think protection was a good thing to help balance those toons without nerfing the essence of what they are, but most other toons weren't rebalanced to fit in this new world. As a result, they went from ok to lol.

    Agreed. Protection was a bad idea we will have to live with. It ruins so many Siths (Sidious, Savage, Kylo, even Maul) and any character who focuses on AoE damage or who gets stronger only when enemies die. It also imbalanced galactic war. There's no going back now, but I think it's the worst change to the game since launch.

    I would agree with this too protection was terribly implemented and has in reality fixed absolutely nothing
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