Guild Mercenaries for GW

I played another hero based game that had a system whereby guild members could place 2 of their characters in a Mercenary Hall. During their version of the GW, guild members could pay guild members coins to use a Mercenary. (Sort of like allies but better???)

Implementing a similar system would allow players to branch out and level characters they normally wouldn't be able to because they could hire the GW staple characters from their guild. Also this would promote teamwork within the guild, as everyone would want to supply a character that was useful to the most players thereby gaining themselves higher pay.

It would be nice to earn regular credits from this, or alternatively ally coins. (please add more uses for ally coins!)


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    Oh and i forgot to mention why this would be good for GW. This would help players that hit a wall by providing a full health and full shield character right when they need it most... when theyve run out of steam. Also, if they failed to level a healer or high dps character they could hire a Mercenary to fill their roster.
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