Ig86 assist bonus broken

442 posts Member
Seems to crit for the same amount whether a meatbag or droid does the assist. Either no bonus is being applied to the crit damage or its alway being applied.
86 crits for 12k phasma assists the attack for 4K
86 crits for 12k ig100 assist the attack and crits for 3-4K


  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    His basic attack does 6500-7100 and with his unique of +20% crit damage his crits will do 170%. Which will come out to around the 12k ish crits he does. With +75% he should be doing 245% crit damage! Also seeing how his droid assister will crit the same when doing the assist as they do on a solo attack I'm convinced the buff isn't bein applied. Droids are all about damage and killing the other team fast. Please fix ig86 and help make droids great again.
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