Tier 5-6 Guild in GMT+8: Bloodlines is recruiting 4 more players level 70+

My Guild (bloodlines) is usually running tier 5 raids 2-3 times weekly (soon going to tier 6 weekly), but needing more members to contribute. We want good players level 70+. We want active players with a love of the game and who will contribute so we all benefit. I have slowly started to weed out non-participating members but I don't want to drop the total member roster below 45, so I am doing this slowly. Now, I have 5 spots open so we are at 45/50 roster. (More in the future if other slackers don't pick up) We don't have any serious whales so you will have a good shot at getting good placement in raids and better rewards. We are fair and listen to our members suggestions and we want to work together for all our benefits. We also share strategy ideas and help each other to learn how to raid more effectively. We are active in the chat. Myself and another player (we know one another personally) run the guild. We follow a 3 day log-in grace period before booting someone. People on holiday or with family/work obligations are acceptable as long as we are informed ahead of time that you'll be missing some time (I just had a baby and another member just began basic training for example). We also monitor weekly guild contributions to determine players we want to keep. We run the guild from Asia so there is that time zone difference to consider. If you are interested in joining PM me your ally code for an invite and trial with us. Loyalty preferred.

Add my ally code: 956-718-182
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