Military Might - F2P Strategy with under-levelled, under-geared, and under-starred toons.

3 posts Member
edited June 2016
Posted this on reddit and thought I would share it here as well -

Hi guys, I thought I would share my strategy (with a video) of how to beat this event with a pretty weak roster. My roster was the following:
  • AA (L) - 5*, 73, G7
  • ST Han - 7*, 79, G8
  • Biggs - 7*, 73, G8
  • Fives - 6*, 79, G8
  • Luke - 3*, 50, G5

Obviously there are a few 'must have' toons but they are all F2P, and if you have followed the meta, even mildly, you should have them at an ok level/star:
  • Admiral Ackbar (L) - This is the biggest must to make sure you get attacks when you use the event ability
  • ST Han - His taunt is important on two stages
  • Fives - Speed Down on the emperor is almost a requisite - double tap is better but not necessary

The key to this strategy is using AA's Leader ability that lets a rebel attack when someone uses a non-attacking ability. Luckily this event includes a fantastic non-attacking ability for each player which we will take advantage of.

Phase 1 - There are 3 Magmatroopers in this phase and they are by far the most dangerous, you must take them all out as quick as possible.
  • Start with the one that has the MOST TM (Han tries to reduce them all at the beginning) and use the event passive.
  • Use AA's Tactical genius on his first turn and then fives or another assists/strong damage special to wipe out a magmatrooper and put on the event passive on the next turn
  • Once they are wiped out kill the remaining two troopers

Phase 2 - This is the first stage you need to use Han's taunt to avoid all the magmatrooper AoEs (The AI doesn't use it when someone is taunting)
  • On Han's first turn taunt and continue spamming the event ability and basic attacks whenever you can to kill everybody until only the elite trooper is left.
  • Use basics/event ability on the elite trooper BUT MAKE SURE YOUR TOON WHO USES THE EVENT ABILITY GETS ANOTHER TURN BEFORE YOU KILL THE ELITE. You never want to enter a new stage with this on cooldown if possible.

Phase 3 - Take out the magma troopers again and then use abilities as needed to kill the rest making sure you don't have the event ability on cool down when going to the next level.

Phase 4 - First mini boss isn't bad if you don't have your event abilities on cool down
  • Kill the storm troopers using the event ability so that when vader uses his force crush everybody counters then recovers health.
  • Uses AA's debuff removal and heal to gain health and get another attack on vader and then kill him with basics

Phase 5 & Phase 6 - These phases are generally a little easier than the first 3, the main strategies here are:
  • Do NOT Use Han's taunt - keep the damage spread out and you need it for the emperor
  • Use event ability as often as possible as long as it won't be on cooldown entering the next stage
  • Pair Tactical Genius with a high damage or assist attack then the event ability

Phase 7 - Similar strategy as before but you need to be careful near the end:
You want Han to have as close to full TM at the end of this battle as possible so he can attack first next round and throw his taunt up so do your best to manage TM near the end of this phase

Phase 8 - Emperor:
  • Taunt with Han immediately - the RG pokes do almost no damage and give everybody TM and can remove Emperor TM.
  • Even though you won't have your other characters getting attacked make sure you use the event ability - this gives you offense up so is important and with AA's lead you don't miss out on attacks
  • Pair Tactical Genius with high damage or assist attack
  • Only use Fives' basic - you need to land that speed down on the emperor to help you get through all the RG taunts
  • When the RG taunts go up attack them until they are at half health and then move to the next one so that stuns don't proc after Han's taunt wears off
  • After their taunt wears off finish off the emperor and you should be good to go.

I hope this helps all those struggling F2P people! With this strategy I have been able to complete it all 3 times each day.


  • bombbadass
    66 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks big shoes, I tried a bunch of times and couldn't make it past stage 7. Tried it your way and beat it on first try(barely tho,!) you saved me spending 1.5 mil cred on Biggs. Wish I saw your post on the first day. I'll look for your post, for when the ewok event happens again.

    Thanks again
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    Yup. Just beat T1. Thank you
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    I didn't follow meta at all, my rebels can barely beat the pathfinder ( none of them die but it does that them a min and a half at auto.). My rebels die without getting a turn or just Biggs gets one turning MM.
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    Ewok event is easy. Kill scouts. Always kill scouts.
    Still takes a little luck to beat.

    HK lead, with omega'd leader ability.

    It's supposed to be harder this time. But hopefully with mods, 100 at max, it'll even out.
  • RyanRen
    994 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Wow! Thanks for this! I adapted the strategy and used:
    • Wedge (L) - 4*/59/G5
    • STH - 6*/72/G8
    • Leia - 7*/78/G9
    • 5s - 7*/80/G9
    • Biggs - 7*/73/G7

    The STH taunt and 5s speed down were key on stage 8!
    Post edited by RyanRen on
  • Sunod10
    211 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Great guide!! I beat tier 2 after days of failing hard. AA lead. Lando, St Han, Fives, and Leia. All 7* gear 10 and 11. Seemed easy your way lol.
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    #bigshoes89 you are freakin god ! I've lost hope but thanks to this guide i finally made it !
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    @bigshoes89 ,

    Thank you so much for your guide. I was having trouble beating tier 1 since the event started and I miraculously stumbled upon your guide. With your guidance, I was able to finally beat this event! Thank you again, you are a godsend.

    I look forward to your future guides!
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    I'm pleased Magmatroopers don't use their AOE when Han is taunting for you guys; this is not the case for me.
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    Hey this is cool you made this little guide for people having trouble. Lots of great tips in here that some people just won't figure out.
    One thin to point out that the ability gives a counter attack so usenthatbtocyur advantage with the aoe rounds
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    MackemSLAM wrote: »
    I'm pleased Magmatroopers don't use their AOE when Han is taunting for you guys; this is not the case for me.

    Are you on T2? I think the AI was changed to make it as hard as possible. Worked in T1 for me but not in T2.
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    Any advice for me?
    Lando 6* 80 g8
    Leia 6* 75 g8
    Biggs 7* 62 g70
    5's 7* 80 g9
    Luke 5* 60 g7?

    No matter how much I try half my team dies in the first round and I've never made it past the 4th.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Danubis, if missing both ST Han and Ackbar, you're going to have a very tough time even if you could bring your whole team to 7*, level 80. Without ST Han's taunt your team will be stunned to death by the 4 RGs at stage 8. Also Ackbar's clransing/heal comes in handy at stage 4 to clear Vader's DoTs. Yes, you could survive that stage without it, but your team would be in pretty bad shape moving on to stage 5.

    If your team dies at stage 1 it's a matter of low speed and health/protection (regarding you are following the tactics described in the guide). Ackbar's leadership (or mods) would provide some speed and promoting/training/gearing your team will provide the latter (and possibly some speed as well)
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