Leia Hair trigger misleading

283 posts Member
The description of hair trigger is clear: 55% chance for a second attack and 40% chance for a third attack.
But it does not behave this way and is most likely 95% to second attack and 40% chance to a third attack.

The issue is probably on the condition for a third shot. Right now it looks like:
-Shoot 1
-if rng success then Shoot 2
-if rng success then Shoot 3
Meaning that even if there is no second shot there is still a roll for a 3rd shot.

While it should be:
-Shoot 1
-If rng success then
Shoot 2
If rng success then shoot 3
where the 3rd shot is conditional to a successful second shot.

The difference between both is that in the first case you have statistically a flat 95% more damage on base attack. While on the second case it would only be 63% and more inline with other toons basic ability modifier. No wonder why Leia is currently top damager with Rey and over shadow other attackers thanks to lazy programmers.

So either change the label or learn about logic and the difference between a 2nd shot and a 3rd shot.


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