Memory/Speed Issues Unfairly Taking Cantina Energy Bug



  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    iOS 8.4?? Dude. Update already. Probably fix all that.
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    just remember the order that killed off the jedi's is what the slavedevices are preparing us for. kill lists are growing and once the order is given many unaware people will be traumatized by the criminality the elite have exercized to enslave you all.

    Does anyone really consider Darth JJ an apocalyptic Sith Lord or is his Mandalorian warrior mystique just raising his stock in the eyes of superior opponents and upper level management?

    I am not referring to whether you the EA-poster buys into it off course, it's more in terms of his opponents and by upper level management i don't refer to EA or even any high level developers, the sponsorships of doom are what drive these Sith Lords to sweat in those black cloaks they always wear, no chance can Palpatine make someone do that, we as human beings are driven by the desire for wealth, social acceptance, and once we hit our mid 70s, our legacy (i'm not quite sure of Darth JJ's age).

    To me personally the latter would be meaningless as i do not buy into the afterlife aspect so who cares what people think after i'm gone but someone religious like QGJ or Yoda would for sure think otherwise which is why he trains so hard and i can't imagine anyone arguing the success of his labor, although i don't think Darth JJ is anywhere near in the same boat.

    But lets stay on topic, what makes Darth JJ the threat that he is even though his skill set may be light-years behind him.

    Just to give you a quick example of what he has accomplished via his mystique when compared to what he has done in the arena at least on the average of his occasions.

    Makes it almost sad to see what the Sith Lord-hype machine is able to do to some but not to others who are perhaps more deserving due to their determination and work ethic and most importantly SKILL SET.

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