Just have to say as a gamer...



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    Sara if your looking for some games of late , i have come across a few very well done ones.

    Doom ( just released) both single and multiplayer
    Dungeon 2
    Isaac rebirth
    Witcher 3 and the DLC
    Runescape legends

    Just finished the Witcher 3 dlc's. Best RPG I've ever played.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Davius
    432 posts Member
    Tigerj wrote: »
    Saraleb wrote: »
    And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...

    Guys and gals this is a phone/tablet game dont get me wrong i enjoy it and play it way too much, ive even thrown probably (too) money at it... im lvl 80 a guild leader blah blah but its a small game thats been around for a nano second

    For those that have never played a game before.. releases/patches WILL go wrong.. EA are not the first and wont be the last that mess up on this.. Chars will get hit with the nerf bat when others roam in powerfully free... some game modes just wont please everyone whether its gw or raids !! There will always be an unobtainable bit of gear that was impossible to get yesterday but is farmable tomorrow..

    My observations from playing this game since early this year and the forums is simply people want it right now... just like on alot of 'mobile' games you potentially can. See people complaining about a char or piece of gear they cant get where in reality just a weeks hard craft/farming they could get it.
    I started out playing on Everquest (god hope some people have heard of it) and you could be farming mats for one piece of gear for months !!

    People need to take this game for what it is... a helluva lot of fun.. I appreciate this game like other mobile games brings a whole other element to gaming ie ftp it ptp.. but just play it how you want to. Maybe you need to accept you will never always be #1 cause someone else 'bought' #1 but thats just the type of game it is lol and unless they split servers soley ftp and ptp it will always be that way...

    I only wanted to say this because so many posts are **** about this and **** about that.. if you dont like it go on google play and d/l the latest crush candy or something... Just get some perspective is my advice for a game where its sole purpose is to make people spend money.. where shocker you CAN actually advance and enjoy it without but just except you will not be the best

    Flame me abuse me whatever lol but excluding a few drunken packs ive managed to suceed, have fun and get what I want out of this game by some trial and error, graft and some luck along the way


    Excellent! I laugh at some of these post on this simple game.. Also as an Ultima Online, EQ, and EQ2 player, many of these players don't have a clue when it comes to farming, grinding (Oh the ****. level 45 in EQ back then), and constant patch bugs that happen.. Then seeing those people who put in TONS of time to get that Lendgen Gear that you can only get from raids.. That was when you were paying $15 a month to play! Not this Pay to Play or Free to Play these days.. I cringe when I see people dropping $100's per month on a game like this..but hey, their money!!

    Great Post!!

    Don't forget about the people who spend thousands a month. I was talking to a guy that spends an avg of two thousand a month! Albeit, he's got a net worth of twenty something million.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member

    Don't forget about the people who spend thousands a month. I was talking to a guy that spends an avg of two thousand a month! Albeit, he's got a net worth of twenty something million. [/quote]

    I honestly can not figure out the people who spend that kind of money on a mobile game. Even if you are Bill Gates, and spending 10k to you is like me dropping a penny in a fountain, throwing thousands of dollars away on a game like this is just unreal to me.

  • Davius
    432 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Nodoon wrote: »

    Don't forget about the people who spend thousands a month. I was talking to a guy that spends an avg of two thousand a month! Albeit, he's got a net worth of twenty something million.

    I honestly can not figure out the people who spend that kind of money on a mobile game. Even if you are Bill Gates, and spending 10k to you is like me dropping a penny in a fountain, throwing thousands of dollars away on a game like this is just unreal to me.

    I'm right there with you... I spent a total of $20 on this game and I never stopped regretting it. The guy I talked to acted like two grand was like pennies. Blew me away...
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