Higher drop odds at higher levels?

Does anyone know if gear/shards have higher odds of dropping at higher LS/DS/Cantina levels? For example Luke drops shards in the cantina at 1B for 8 energy, and at 5A for 12 energy. Do I have higher odds of getting the shards by spending 12, or is it just a waste of 4 energy?


  • Youthv2
    270 posts Member
    Odds are always the same. 1in5 I think is the going rate. Don't quote, this but a guess... from personal experice. Sometimes better, but not often enough. For cantina. Hard mode seems to be 1in4
    ~Y O U T H v2
    Guild: Paradigm of Virtue (PoV)
    Line: GohYouth
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Supposedly it's the same rate for shards but you get a higher rate for ability materials
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