Best Jedi Team with Yoda?

16 posts Member
The Yoda event opens up in about two days and I know I'm going to unlock him this time around, so how should I incorporate him into my team?

I have 7* Lumi, Kit Fisto, Jedi Counselor and 6* Qui Gon and Aayla. All are at about gear level 7

I also have Bariss, Mace Windu, Ahsoka, and Old Ben, but they're around 4*/5* right now.

I was think QGJ as the lead for the +21 speed boost, JC and Lumi for Heals, and Aayla for her random assist.



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    the lead and team are minor, the most important thing when it comes to facing Yoda is who his supporting cast are. Are you looking to get 7* Yoda this time around? Keep refreshing until Barriss is one of the sidekicks, take out the other sidekick so it's only Yoda and Barriss you have to face, take out Yoda and Barriss is easy. Don't omega Qui-Gon's humbling blow to get offense up, Yoda will steal that every time you get offense up. It's a grind, but it's fun. I wish they would allow those who completed the event to compete again for credits, or random Jedi shards.
  • Jin_Bo
    16 posts Member
    No I'm just trying to unlock him this time around. I just want to know some good teams that incorporate Yoda. But that's some useful tips, thanks!
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    The key for me was the supporting staff as well but in a different respect. I waited till it was Barris and someone else then worked Barris down to almost dead, let her "heal" which lowered the other two's health bar...rinse and repeat. By the time she does it a second time, everyone is in the red and you can almost one shot each to finish it off.

    The other key factors were to keep track of healing to make sure you space out and always have someone who can heal. Also, only use basic attacks on Yoda...he dodges almost all of the specials so don't bother wasting them on him.

    I had used Barris Lead with QuiGon, Ashoka, JC, and Lumi. This was the first go around before protection if I remember correctly so it may not be as easy now, no sure? Good luck!
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    All depends on what you are doing with the squad. If it is GW, then Barriss as your lead is best. I would do Barriss (L), Lumi, Yoda, QGJ, Kit/Aayla/Old Ben.

    Arena - Stick Yoda with a different team. Jedi only teams get targeted more than almost anyone else.
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