Need a new 5-6 star raid Squad!

9 posts Member
edited June 2016
Need a new, better guild so that I can leave the one I'm in now. In a weak guild now that does too many 4 star raids with too few players who play daily. The admins wont listen and move up to 5 stars because they have a ton of 4 star players I guess and not enough 5. So they just want to make sure they are in the top 3 for rewards (which they aren't when they move up to 5). It's annoying...

Please message me so I can leave this joke of a squad I'm in now. Stats below..

Player name- Jamo Ren (ally code 328-792-677)
Level- 78
PvP- top 400

Daily player, completes all daily tasks and as many guild tasks as possibly every day. Any questions or want to shoot out an invite, please do so. Thanks


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