What/Who exactly are you fighting in GW?

148 posts Member
What are the teams that you are fighting in GW and how exactly is their power linked to your arena team power?
I heard it was brackets of 5k. Can anyone confirm this?
Concerning the teams: Are they teams that other players used on this node in their GW?


  • Lasserini
    274 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    johndoe82 wrote: »
    What are the teams that you are fighting in GW and how exactly is their power linked to your arena team power? I heard it was brackets of 5k. Can anyone confirm this?

    Some debate as to whether it looks at current arena power / highest ever used arena power or highest possible arena power (i.e. your 5 highest power toons combined). Not sure if anyone has crunched the numbers & figured out which it is.
    Gut feeling would be that the brackets (if they exist) are much smaller than 5k increments.
    johndoe82 wrote: »
    Concerning the teams: Are they teams that other players used on this node in their GW?

    Some of the teams are so random that I´m guessing they are pulled from what others have used for their 12th GW node.
    Other teams (becomes more noticeable at higher power levels) are (probably) arena teams -- I´m guessing, that because the game is searching for teams with 38k+ power (& higher towards the end) the pool of non-arena teams is very limited & thus it pulls those in instead.
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