Clouded Minds

Hey currently recruiting active members Lv 65+ for a Fun, chilled guild, our members range mainly between 70-80 my guild is at 30 members atm, we do cull members who don't contribute over an extented period of time, currently we do mainly do tier 5 raids which take about 3-4days and the occasional tier 4 raid to help our lower rank members which usually takes less then a day to complete, striving to become a tier 6 guild in the future!
Clouded Minds is the name of our guild if you are keen or have any queries let me know time zone is gmt +10 Australian time zone but anyone is welcome, don't have any so called strict requirements, other than just keeping as active as possible

my ally code is 793-331-356 name is StarLord - Officer

Other Officers in guild:
InTheory - 417-599-213 Leader
Destructo - 815-486-118 Officer
Tim - 825-364-443 Officer
Mol Krill - 358-828-983 Officer
TheColonel - 556-439-879 Officer

Just send us an ally invite and and we'll invite you to the guild, hope to See you soon!
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