Can the protection feature be removed. Gameplay was better before the feature was added

2 posts Member
edited June 2016
It seemed like some opponents in the dark and light side battles actually had a chance of being defeated before the protection feature was added. Im at a level 78 and cannot beat f2p opponents at a level 72 to 74. Two attacks wipe out my top players that are promoted to 7. They need to be buffed to give players even a slight chance of winning. Please fix this. I.E. Droids and tuscan raiders and some troopers

Can the protection feature be removed. Gameplay was better before the feature was added 7 votes

Remove protection feature
cameronaitken56Zeyh 2 votes
Dont remove protection feature
UriakatosmedetecWintersmyea8017 4 votes
Revert back to how gameplay was before the feature was added
TimmyP_3 1 vote
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