Other uses for Ewok Elder?

469 posts Member
edited June 2016
I have always associated EE with being part of an Ewok squad and he has been great. But I started thinking about that Rez and how he may be useful in other character setups. But my left brain won't let my right brain in on the creative process.

Does anyone else use EE outside of an Ewok setup? I have EE, Teebo and Chirpa fully leveled, G9, etc. I was facing a Daka team and she revived QGJ (of course) and I thought hey, I have a rez guy too. But I'm struggling to think outside the box here.

I'm F2P with a healthy roster but missing critical Cantina farms (spent all my time on Ewoks). I have most of the GW toons and many with Omegas (STHan, Ackbar, Lumi, 88, etc.).
Post edited by djlott on


  • MaxRebo
    33 posts Member
    Along with Ackbar, he's great for removing Deathmark in stage 1 of raids.
  • Options
    I have my EE omega'd (+10% TM to non-ewoks on basic), so he works well with pretty much anything. He's good for P1 in raids as said above, and I like him a lot for GW; he has a ton of utility.
    I've been using him in my GW team and he's very helpful for running on auto. I use Ackbar (L), HRS, Lumi, Daka, and EE as my auto team. Both his abilities trigger rebel assists and his basic's TM boost combines nicely with HRS's.
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