Please Don't Nerf Galactic War!!



  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Guess we will see later this week
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    I would prefer they buff the rewards instead of nerfing the difficulty.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    I agree with the OP here. Yeah it takes some time to complete. Yes it takes time but not everyone can get everything done every day. You want a participation award and you shouldn't get one.


    You do realize that's exactly what gw rewards are right? There is no tiered distribution or any other mechanism to differentiate rewards. You simply participate and earn the same rewards you did at level 40. The problem is that it's boring and takes unreasonably long.

    The participation reward/generation is one of the dumbest most overused arguments made on the forum and often used by those who either lack an understanding of the subject being discussed or the capacity to add anything relevant.
  • drdavee
    155 posts Member
    DeepChu wrote: »
    It is not nerf GW is "I can't last 2 hours on completing GW", lot of people have work, children and a life apart from the game, and they can play one hour, one hour and half every day.

    If GW takes twice that amount, it is not fun and since you need the credits from GW to continue playing... it gets really annoying.

    The problem is not the difficulty, it is the time that takes to finish it.

    If it is taking you two hours, then you have other issues.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    drdavee wrote: »
    DeepChu wrote: »
    It is not nerf GW is "I can't last 2 hours on completing GW", lot of people have work, children and a life apart from the game, and they can play one hour, one hour and half every day.

    If GW takes twice that amount, it is not fun and since you need the credits from GW to continue playing... it gets really annoying.

    The problem is not the difficulty, it is the time that takes to finish it.

    If it is taking you two hours, then you have other issues.

    I've never had it take that long. But I'm curious what you think his problems are.
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    It isn't hard, it's just soooo boring, the same teams every node, every day, and for what? The rewards aren't great enough for this struggle. That's it.
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    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    I would prefer they buff the rewards instead of nerfing the difficulty.

    I would be fine with this, at the very least add something to buy with all the currency that just keeps adding up.
    If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
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    DrakeIX wrote: »
    It isn't hard, it's just soooo boring, the same teams every node, every day, and for what? The rewards aren't great enough for this struggle. That's it.

    @DrakeIX Honestly, then don't do it. There is nothing forcing you to play that section of the game. The rest is fun enough.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    DrakeIX wrote: »
    It isn't hard, it's just soooo boring, the same teams every node, every day, and for what? The rewards aren't great enough for this struggle. That's it.

    @DrakeIX Honestly, then don't do it. There is nothing forcing you to play that section of the game. The rest is fun enough.

    The credits force him to do it if he's not willing to pay...
  • TheFossilMan
    102 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    I agree with the OP here. Yeah it takes some time to complete. Yes it takes time but not everyone can get everything done every day. You want a participation award and you shouldn't get one.


    You do realize that's exactly what gw rewards are right? There is no tiered distribution or any other mechanism to differentiate rewards. You simply participate and earn the same rewards you did at level 40. The problem is that it's boring and takes unreasonably long.

    The participation reward/generation is one of the dumbest most overused arguments made on the forum and often used by those who either lack an understanding of the subject being discussed or the capacity to add anything relevant.

    @Telaan Think it's boring DON'T DO IT! Nothing is forcing you to do it. Auto-battling is a participation award and by making it easier would be what would happen. GW is not a participation award itself. You are the winner for completing it. YOu do get tiered rewards for completing each node. No I don't get to complete it everyday and I dont' like when I don't. Work for it and if it takes two hours be proud that you made it through. You think I lack understanding? Do you lack the willpower to not do something you don't want to do?
  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    I just can't understand people who would oppose GW rewards scaling. It shouldn't take months to max out a few characters. Even if you manage to play EVERY day, it still is too time consuming to gear and level up characters. This game lost its charm for me already, it's barely fun anymore, just addicting.
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    What's the problem? This is my run today.





    I only have fifteen 7* characters, and half of them are not trained/geared/leveled. I get nodes like this because I have ONE good arena squad. All my characters are free-to-play. In order to clear GW it takes hours of refreshing and tweaking.

  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    I agree with the OP here. Yeah it takes some time to complete. Yes it takes time but not everyone can get everything done every day. You want a participation award and you shouldn't get one.


    You do realize that's exactly what gw rewards are right? There is no tiered distribution or any other mechanism to differentiate rewards. You simply participate and earn the same rewards you did at level 40. The problem is that it's boring and takes unreasonably long.

    The participation reward/generation is one of the dumbest most overused arguments made on the forum and often used by those who either lack an understanding of the subject being discussed or the capacity to add anything relevant.

    @Telaan Think it's boring DON'T DO IT! Nothing is forcing you to do it. Auto-battling is a participation award and by making it easier would be what would happen. GW is not a participation award itself. You are the winner for completing it. YOu do get tiered rewards for completing each node. No I don't get to complete it everyday and I dont' like when I don't. Work for it and if it takes two hours be proud that you made it through. You think I lack understanding? Do you lack the willpower to not do something you don't want to do?

    I don't do it anymore. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. I'm a whale so I just buy the credits I need at this point.

    But I do recognize the problem. I'd love to do it. I want to fully participate in every aspect of the game because it's both rewarding and fun. But this particular one is neither. Clearly I'm not the only one, and between forum complaints, and likely metrics that indicate a drop off in player participation at a certain point, the devs have indicated they intend to change things. Your argument boils down to, "git gud and suck it up buttercup" to complaints of, "it's boring and tedious". That's asinine.

    Almost as asinine as believing that the rewards in GW are truly anything more than a participation award. You participated and you got what you got. If you think that you truly are a "winner" for completing node 12...I can't help you there.

    It's also almost as asinine as telling someone who isn't a whale "just don't do it". In a game where one of the chief complaints is a credit crunch the obvious solution is to not do the mode that grants the single largest source of credits in the game. Yup, cutting the existing income by 50%+ is the obvious answer.
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    Its only really tough once you hit 38000, but its OK and fun.
    Once you hit 39000, WOW.
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    Opusone wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    i'm also afraid that further nerfing GW would have negative effects for my GW experience.
    35k arena power, top20/10 arena, lvl 80 and f2p.
    It takes me about 30min of continious play to finish GW, max 5 retreats (usually less) and max 7 characters for the first 11 nodes. The last node i like to experiment with weird teams for funsies. I wouldnt mind if it was a bit more challenging.
    This obviously is only my experience, and i cant talk for anyone else. I just cant shake the feeling that alot of nerf requests are due to players investing only in their arena team, or are just bad at the game in general. Ofcourse there are also alot of valid complaints, i've seen the teams some people face. There is no way of knowing this, but if it turns out that the mayority of the complaints were comming from people who fall in the first category and GW got nerfed because that, i would be a bit **** ;)

    I don't only invest in my arena team. I have 45ish g9 or better characters. I'm 41k arena power. I can complete it every day, but it's tedious, boring, and frustrating. If it's too easy for you, go in with 4 toons or 3, would be my advice. I don't play GW now, except when it's the daily. Facing 7 teams of Ben, RG, Rey, QGJ, GS , or double tank teams, is just not fun. I'm looking forward to the changes, in a hope that I at least face unique team comps...

    Not all people are whales and can afford to have around 45 g9+ on a mobile game. F2ps that didn't precraft have been grinding since guild release to get their arena team caught up
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    i dont want a nerf

    i want less time consuming, more rewards even if they make it harder

    it should be "harder it gets, more rewards you get"

    maybe have different tiers to choose from so people choose how they want to do it

    something along those lines, but kinda off the rewards are exactly the same as when we were level 60 cruising by it in 20.
  • Dan_z
    103 posts Member
    It takes too long yet it is pretty much an essential part of the game given its the only way to get credits. Today took almost my entire roster to clear and around an hour. Sorry but this is a mobile game...not a job.
    Remove 3 nodes.
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    Telaan wrote: »
    It's also almost as asinine as telling someone who isn't a whale "just don't do it". In a game where one of the chief complaints is a credit crunch the obvious solution is to not do the mode that grants the single largest source of credits in the game. Yup, cutting the existing income by 50%+ is the obvious answer.
    That's the real issue. If you want to do the fun stuff you have to do this super tedious mode. Why not make all the modes fun if we're going to be forced to do them to advance our characters?

  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I will say this....I've faced some fairly interesting team comps lately. Full FO team, full Rebel, full NS and a few synergetic others. I thought that was pretty cool.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    After a long 10-12 hour day of work - I get home, eat, take a shower and hop in bed ready to enjoy my game. Then I open gw and look at 12 nightmarish nodes of punishment. I'm exhausted and no I don't have the willpower to do it. This shouldn't be.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I will say this....I've faced some fairly interesting team comps lately. Full FO team, full Rebel, full NS and a few synergetic others. I thought that was pretty cool.

    it's getting much more diversified as the game progresses.
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    @Telaan It's like most tournaments that non-professionals do. You win you get a trophy or certificate. You knew what the rewards would be but you did it anyway because you like to play the game. Because you like to win.

    IT isn't about being good it's about wisely spending your credits and energy on toons that will help you complete it. I personally believe that people are addicted to the chase but after while the route to get there is boring. Sure, they need MORE content but GW does not need to be changed.

  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    IT isn't about being good it's about wisely spending your credits and energy on toons that will help you complete it. I personally believe that people are addicted to the chase but after while the route to get there is boring. Sure, they need MORE content but GW does not need to be changed.

    I already stated I'm a whale. None of that about wisely spending resources to help me complete GW had anything to do with anything in my case. If I chose to I could complete GW daily. I choose not to because it sucks. It's not fun, it takes longer than it should, and it lacks appropriate rewards for the length of time it does take. Not everyone is in my boat though. I'm the 1% that can skip GW and not have it impact progression.

    It's a serious problem for the devs when an important part of their game is labeled as "boring and tedious" by a sizable portion of their player base. Even "repetitive but fun" would be a huge improvement.

    Now take this issue and apply it to someone who must do it in order to progress. At some point they'll reach that point when they have to decide. Is being required to complete something in a game that should be fun but is not, in order to advance, worth it? Eventually the answer will be no.

    Addicted to the chase? People just want a fun and rewarding game experience...
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    Agree with everything you just said. It is that point where people will just quit the game. I do feel like a lot of games get like that though. Destiny was fun for me for a while but then it got repetitive and I just didn't care about running th same raid over and over and over again and the content wasn't flowing fast enough to keep me chasing gear. To be fair I have played for 3 months now and it isn't boring yet. That's a pretty long time to spend on one game. Not extremely long but I am still not sick of doing it. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
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    What I'd love to see done with GW...
    1. Dev's define say 100 or so unique team comps that include every character in the game.
    2. Each team comp is cycled through as you play nodes.
    3. Gearing/Staring/Leveling of those squads is scaled based on the average strength of your top 5 teams.
    4. The current payouts one can get over the current 12 nodes is put into the first 6 nodes you face. (If you complete those 6 nodes you get everything you get today, including a "Victory" on the achievement.)
    5. After the first 6 nodes, Nodes quickly escalate in both rewards and challenge. The retreat button is now removed & force close does not work.
    6. There is no specific number of nodes. You are limited only by what your roster is capable of completeing.
  • OguhDeias
    140 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    What I'd love to see done with GW...
    1. Dev's define say 100 or so unique team comps that include every character in the game.
    2. Each team comp is cycled through as you play nodes.
    3. Gearing/Staring/Leveling of those squads is scaled based on the average strength of your top 5 teams.
    4. The current payouts one can get over the current 12 nodes is put into the first 6 nodes you face. (If you complete those 6 nodes you get everything you get today, including a "Victory" on the achievement.)
    5. After the first 6 nodes, Nodes quickly escalate in both rewards and challenge. The retreat button is now removed & force close does not work.
    6. There is no specific number of nodes. You are limited only by what your roster is capable of completeing.

    This seems a Good and plausible solution to both faces of the coin. Time, difficulty, scaling rewards, pretty much covers almost all that was commented On This thread!

    Great suggestion IMO! Take it up to feedback section @7AnimalMother
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    According to This thread what I feared happened with The update: an auto mode fest.

    I haven't tryed it myself so I hope it hasn't turn into an challenge with 12 levels. Will apreciate your comments here if You already test it.
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    Confirmed. It's a one shot fest. Did it until The 9th node with Main arena team and didnt even lost protection On any character. Too easy now. Just lame.
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