Update cant come soon enough



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    It can't. I want it now.
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    The game diesn't require more "content" but interesting challenges. No need to invet thebwhell again. After playing them 900 times, the current challenges are no challenge at all, but the same repetitive boring grind. Inamnatill semi Ok as I can now auto-play all of them except tanks
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    I heard Yoda is coming.
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    For me, the process is simply too slow.

    I lose interest if the leveling/gearing/etc. gets too long. I like to play a lot of different characters and experiment with all kinds of squads. It's getting really old using the same squad for every Arena, for example. I simply don't have any other options at this point and any others are probably at least a month, if not more, away.

    That's why I'm starting to lose interest (and, I'm not even 60 yet).

    Only 'more content' I need is increased access to characters and faster gearing for them to keep me interested. That and completely new modes (i.e., ship battles, etc.).

    Sorry, that's my playstyle.

    Timegates are not content.

    Good new content is completely new arenas, events, game modes, etc. New characters are nice but nearly meaningless when I can't even get nor gear/level the ones I want now.
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    I rather like the time gate myself as it allows the process to be meaningful. I want my time investment to show off later.

    Now as to some "content" improvements:
    1. More challenges added to the existing challenges. I like the reliability of the existing challenges, but I'd like to see a bit more variety.
    2. More max-level content. This could come in almost any form. While leveling you end up with extra energy from leveling and then you're on your own. Besides an increased credit challenge I can't think of anything else that I can do now that I couldn't do while leveling.
    3. Seasonal content and story mode would be a ton of fun.

    Basically we don't need a ton more just a bit more value once you're done leveling and done with the tables.

    And all heroes should be "farmable" even if slow. Dooku is a good example. He will take a while but can be farmed. All of the chromium heroes should follow this pattern. This encourages spenders and f2p to purchase. As they might get the shards needed to finish off a chromium hero while a free player can work towards it or get value out of a one off purchase.

  • shimmy
    200 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I hope this update adds in some new modes since it is sort of getting boring doing the same stuff over and over. I don't care much about the arena and now that I have actually finished a GW, the appeal of that mode is lessened a little bit. The increase in level cap to me is a plus and minus since it will at least let me unlock more abilities and gear but at the same time, it means longer to level up the characters since it already requires so many training droids in the high 50s and it also means the pay to play people and those already at level 60 who are saving up droids are just going to rock out their characters quicker than many so the arena will become brutal for those who aren't there yet.

    I am now going to focus I think on collecting more characters but the problem is I think to myself: "why?" if all it means is getting new characters to do things like the regular battles and maybe be able to use them in GW. Arena moves so fast that it seems trying to unlock and then upgrade new characters (at least those you can't get from arena or GW shipments) is hopeless as by the time you upgrade them they'll be useless in that mode. Every day I seem to upgrade my team's power but every day so do the same people around my ranking (either the same amount or more) so there is no actual gain which makes the already unappealing mode to me even more unappealing, plus the fact most characters used are the same from a pool of about 8 different ones. That mode isn't designed for f2p users (or even those who may only look to spend a few bucks here and there) which is fine but it does give us a ceiling and I'd imagine many stuck under the ceiling will just not bother after a while.

    I don't think it is an issue with the app but rather just this type of style and my loss of interest in games that don't offer much more than just grinding after the newness wears off as I'm not a MMO guy. I haven't spent a single cent so it's not even like I did the pay to play choice.

    I think a great addition would be having real events every weekend where everyone takes on the AI and can get some rewards from that based on where you rank at the end. They could tie every current mode into that where you'd earn tokens for completing any battle (in addition to the regular rewards) that you'd then use in the event and it'd give people more incentive to do battles that they don't have much use for.

    I used to play the mobile app, NFL Matchups and they used to have different events like that and it added to the longevity. I started Star Wars Uprising when I started SWGoH and it has weekly sector battles which offer some purpose as well.

    Hopefully they'll surprise with something neat down the line which will get me interested again, otherwise I figure I'll probably be done using the app on a daily basis in a month or two. I think there is a decent amount of creativity that can be done to increase the lifespan of the game (other than just adding in new characters) so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    CharLieTao wrote: »
    Well if you wouldn't have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars you would still be playing everyday and having fun. Relax...

    I've spent $10 and reached the end in one month, chill with your hate of the spenders, they're the reason we can play for free.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Time wrote: »
    I'm the opposite I hope update gets delayed. Right now I'm farming new chars, once update comes I'll be stuck farming gear for my old boring hero's in order to stay competitive.

    I agree, but I wish they were not so stingy on ability mats.
  • Pure_Pazaak
    386 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    The more you guys expect of this first update, the more you will be disappointed. Sure, they may have more funding and resources, being an EA studio, than some game developers who do more with less. But in Heroes of Dragon Age, a less polished and complex game that was still about the same scale, gameplay option-wise, it took them many months just to come out with a new update that gave us a new way to progress our characters that were at end-game level. And guess what? A lot of people hated it, myself included, as it made the game even more centered around farming/buying high ranked/rarity heroes to stay competitive. Just don't get your hopes up if you think that a short time after launch they will wow and surprise us with new content that makes a real difference. A representative has already confirmed on the forums recently that a lot of speculated content that was based on in-game information is subject to change and may not ever be seen in game, due to being relics of early development. Particularly ship battles.
    "Mockery: Oh, Master, I love you, but I hate all you stand for! But I think we should go press our slimy, mucus-covered lips together in the cargo hold!"
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