Is Luminara (I know I spelt it wrong) better than the Jedi Consular?



  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    You spelt it correctly and yes.
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    God yes. 100000000000000% better. JC is meh.
  • Jim17547
    223 posts Member
    lumi is very good. Jc is better than eeth. Eeth is better than leaving an empty spot
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    She's more dps but jc has better heal particularly if you omega his basic? Which gives him the ability to reset cooldowns
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Best day of my Swgoh: dumping JC behind in a trash heap. Before protection he was okay at GW. He has no use at all now. Nothing.
  • Jay21
    61 posts Member
    Jedi counseler heals almost every second turn I find him more useful in GW than luminara
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member

    You actually spelled Luminara correctly, it is spelt that you spelled wrong. It should have been spelled spelled instead of spelt
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Jay21 wrote: »
    Jedi counseler heals almost every second turn I find him more useful in GW than luminara

    But whenever Lumi heals you get auto heal for two turns as well?
    If you are silly enough to omega Lumi's healing to reduce cool down by one turn, you will be healing almost constantly in battles LOL

    Btw to answer the OP's question: If JC is a McDonald's cheeseburger, then Lumi would be a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Similar but superior in every way.
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    Luminara does better damage, has better health, and has a better heal. The only disadvantage she ever had with JC has been JC's low cooldown on his heal.
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    Luminara does better damage, has better health, and has a better heal. The only disadvantage she ever had with JC has been JC's low cooldown on his heal.

    In other words, Luminara has a stronger heal with a longer cool down, while the Jedi Consular has a weaker heal with a shorter cool down?
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    JD is fine. He is still a great pickup early game as people are leveling up. With GS so easy to grind he probably takes some of those early grind cycles. But, 3-4 healers will help unlock a lot of nodes.
  • KamikazeRhombus
    1412 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Luminara does better damage, has better health, and has a better heal. The only disadvantage she ever had with JC has been JC's low cooldown on his heal.

    In other words, Luminara has a stronger heal with a longer cool down, while the Jedi Consular has a weaker heal with a shorter cool down?

    Correct. His heal does 40% and her heal does 45%. She also gives everyone heal over time for 2 turns. JC has a 2 turn cooldown with a chance to reduce to 1 with his basic and Lumi's heal is a 4 turn cooldown (3 turns with omega).
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    Luminara does better damage, has better health, and has a better heal. The only disadvantage she ever had with JC has been JC's low cooldown on his heal.

    In other words, Luminara has a stronger heal with a longer cool down, while the Jedi Consular has a weaker heal with a shorter cool down?

    Correct. His heal does 40% and her heal does 45%. JC has a 2 turn cooldown with a chance to reduce to 1 with his basic and Lumi's heal is a 4 turn cooldown (3 turns with omega).

    Okay, thanks!
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    M31Andro wrote: »

    You actually spelled Luminara correctly, it is spelt that you spelled wrong. It should have been spelled spelled instead of spelt

    Whoever spelt it dealt it.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Assaj can kill lumis secondary heal. And yoda can steal it. Rancor can also remove this heal, too, so a high lvl jc might be useful against higher tier rancor. I don't know cuz I have only done tier 5, and lumi heal is more than enough.

    Lumi gives herself evasion up and has a decent ability block at g10, anyway.

    Jc has a self heal on his secondary attack that is very weak.

    Lumi does a heck of a lot more dps. Jc is good until maybe late player lvl 50s at least. After that a lot of people finish him to get yoda.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Assaj can kill lumis secondary heal. And yoda can steal it. Rancor can also remove this heal, too, so a high lvl jc might be useful against higher tier rancor. I don't know cuz I have only done tier 5, and lumi heal is more than enough.

    Lumi gives herself evasion up and has a decent ability block at g10, anyway.

    Jc has a self heal on his secondary attack that is very weak.

    Lumi does a heck of a lot more dps. Jc is good until maybe late player lvl 50s at least. After that a lot of people finish him to get yoda.

    JC is not more useful against a rancor.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    They are both bad vs higher tier rancor but lumi is still better.
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    Lumi. Better heal. Does more damage than Jedi Consular. However, Consular can still do heavy damage with both his basic and his special. I use them both in GW.
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    Ugnaught is better than Jedi consular
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Infinitely better.
  • Duckoo
    279 posts Member
    Lumi is better by far
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    M31Andro wrote: »

    You actually spelled Luminara correctly, it is spelt that you spelled wrong. It should have been spelled spelled instead of spelt

    Not in England. In English "spelt" is absolutely correct.
  • Options
    M31Andro wrote: »

    You actually spelled Luminara correctly, it is spelt that you spelled wrong. It should have been spelled spelled instead of spelt

    U.K., Irish, Australian, and New Zealand writers make no distinction between spelled and spelt.
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    I think JC is better than Lumi. Lumis heal over time can get dispelled or used by qgj for offense up. JC have a real mighty heal every 2-3 turns. I use him in the first 6 now 10 GW nodes.

    So I think JC is the better healer compared to Lumi.

    If you need additional dps Lumi will be a better choice but 6k on her special don't really matters if you have a rey with 10k damage in team ;-)
    Drake23, Its a trap
  • GMadMan040
    15 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I am not the greatest player in the game, I don't have the best strategy or game theory, but I do have Day 1 experience and an accomplished roster. That said, no disrespect to anyone here, but a claim that JC is in any way better than Luminara is pure crazy talk.

    There is a very strong argument for Luminara being the best all-around character in the game.

    The Lumi on my squad is Lvl 80, Gear 10 (missing 3 pieces of gear still) and Omega'd on every available skill. She hits real hard, has an amazing heal that is essentially perpetual (yes, it can be dispelled, but so can a lot of skills in the game), she dodges so many attacks it borders on outrageous, she fits on virtually any team that you can conceive of, and she has an excellent leader skill. Oh yeah, she is really farmable.

    All of this makes her a FORCE in multiple game modes (yes, she still has worth in Raids, though diminished from her usual greatness).

    In short, Luminara should be the first 7* target that any new player goes after. Period.

    Zero hate here for JC, who is also wonderfully useful in the general sense of the game. But Lumi is a beast.

    Side note - I would take the McD's cheeseburger vs. Quarter Pounder a step further - JC is a McD's cheeseburger, Lumi is a Double-Double combo from In 'N Out.
  • AceCV
    999 posts Member
    Absolutelly....Lumi beats JC in everything.
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    As a frustrated JC user, I'd have to agree with most of you that Lumi (the healer-attacker w/ enhanced evasion and decent hp whose basic can crit for 7k) is better in almost every regard. JC just gets to heal more often for less.
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    I'd also like to add that JC has the most compelling hidden taunt in the game and if you disagree I challenge you to use him in GW for any amount of time
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    I'd also like to add that JC has the most compelling hidden taunt in the game and if you disagree I challenge you to use him in GW for any amount of time

    I believe the AI is set to try to attack characters classified as Healers as often they can. (Many games share this)

    That is why JC and Barriss often are targetted,
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    GMadMan040 wrote: »
    The Lumi on my squad is Lvl 80, Gear 10 (missing 3 pieces of gear still) and Omega'd on every available skill. She hits real hard,
    Does she hit hard compared to other gear 10, omega'd toons, or other gear 8 toons? ;)

    Lumi is good and I agree she should be farmed very early on, but I don't see a valid argument for her being the best in the game at the moment unless you limit it to GW.

    JC does let you heal more often, but if you have to heal that much you may want to reevaluate your team. It could be a fluke, but with the new GW changes I only had to heal two times during my entire GW. I don't see how healing every other turn will be that big of an advantage. I agree it's nice for a while and JC is worth starring up for the Yoda event, but he'll likely get left behind after that.

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