Can we just cash out on Eeth Koth?

25 posts Member
edited June 2016
It's clear the devs don't give a **** about this toon. At level 80, gear X he gets one shotted by just about any other toon. I know what you're thinking, why did you level him so high? Consider it a by product of the Yoda challenge money grab. Anyway. If you're going to have a toon that at a high gear/trained level is on par with a 1* drop character, can you just let us trade him in and delete him? His actual effectiveness is nowhere near his power level. Thanks EA.


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    Old Ben hits harder. He's a one trick ineffective stun.
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    HardCase wrote: »
    It's clear the devs don't give a **** about this toon. At level 80, gear X he gets one shotted by just about any other toon. I know what you're thinking, why did you level him so high? Consider it a by product of the Yoda challenge money grab. Anyway. If you're going to have a toon that at a high gear/trained level is on par with a 1* drop character, can you just let us trade him in and delete him? His actual effectiveness is nowhere near his power level. Thanks EA.

    ☮ Consular ☮
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    I have refused to get him and my friends have asked why not? I responded with, if I'm going to level up jedi for master yoda then I'm going to get jedi that are good and actually work well together. Eath Koth only has anti droid synergy, and tbh there is no reason to have that in a jedi character. I'd at least like a rework... He's easily farmable and simple to level up. I would like to see a jedi with some heavy DoT in his/her kit. It'd be pretty cool to see that included in a rework of him
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    For an anti-droid specialist he was pretty helpless against Grevious...
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    Level 80 gear 10? That's your fault man. Mine hasn't left level 45 gear 4 and I used him to get Yoda
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    EA/CG is a sith order.. Most of the jedis' introduced in this game are worthless..
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    EA/CG is a sith order.. Most of the jedis' introduced in this game are worthless..

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