
I am the leader of my own guild and I am thinking of leaving and going to a guild that does tier 4 and 5 raids so I can get the gear I need, my guild usually does tier 3 and 4 because their is lower level players. So should I switch to a different guild? Who will become the leader if I leave? And does anyone have suggestions for what guild I should join. I'm level 77 f2p


  • Options
    If you are level 77 you need to be doing 5 and 6, maybe even 7. No idea who becomes leader
  • Options
    If you leave your guild, it will ask you to pick a new leader.
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
  • Scorn
    411 posts Member
    Why not try to improve your guild? You can set it up so you accept members of a specific level and above. if you have a lot of space in your guild, go recruiting. It's a bit harder than just moving to another guild, but You're the leader. you want a guild to work? be ready to put some effort into it.
  • Options
    If you decide to leave, you can join my guild, we have 43 members who all contribute and 4-5 tier v raids per week. The only criteria is that you contribute at least 2000 guild bank coins per week. Add me 983-279-182
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I am the leader of my own guild and I am thinking of leaving and going to a guild that does tier 4 and 5 raids so I can get the gear I need, my guild usually does tier 3 and 4 because their is lower level players. So should I switch to a different guild? Who will become the leader if I leave? And does anyone have suggestions for what guild I should join. I'm level 77 f2p

    We spun off of another guild and we have about 10 spots available. We consistently do T7 raids. T7 offer better rewards for everyone. As long as you have a couple 7* toons to log damage, then you get T7 rewards. We are simply in need of a few more people to contribute 600 energy per day toward guild in order to raid more frequently.

    If you are interested, please contact me via Line: EM650

    P.s. We have enough room that if you wanted to bring a couple servermates/friends with you, they would be welcome to jon too.
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