Guild Leader has become Inactive. What to do?

My guild leader has become inactive and the members fear the guild maybe disbanded without notice. Aside from the leader our members are active and have been together since the first day guilds were introduced to the game. Is there anyway the guild leader can be changed? Can the leader of the guild transfer leadership? These would be simple solutions. I have considered the possibility about discussing w/ my guild a mass exodus to a guild we create and in which we elect the leader. The problem w/ this is that there will inevitably be members who do not follow do to whatever reason. Please any advice or knowledge is appreciated and not to be corny this forum is quite possibly our only hope.


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    Yes leadership can be transferred. Yes, it can be disbanded at anytime right now. There are many guilds looking to merge. My sister guild is one. That would be your best bet to go somewhere with an existing good foundation
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    Thank you for the answers. Here are some more questions if you don't mind further discussion. Is it only the guild leader who can transfer leadership? What is the name of your sister guild? I don't know how many of my fellow members I could cajole into joining a guild they know nothing about.
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    Use Line to remain together. Talk to your mates on chat, use Line, write down allies for each.
    Infinity 961-734-622
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    Only the leader can transfer leadership. You might be able to contact customer service and have the leader removed from the guild. I have heard of that happening before, although they had to wait for quite a while to make it happen.
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    Thank you for the answers. Here are some more questions if you don't mind further discussion. Is it only the guild leader who can transfer leadership? What is the name of your sister guild? I don't know how many of my fellow members I could cajole into joining a guild they know nothing about.
    Only the guild leader can transfer guild leadership by leaving the guild and picking a person to be leader.

    My guild is synergy. We are a top 20 guild. Our sister guild is synergy mfp. We support them by helping on raids and recruiting. If you want to chat about it and have Line, my ID is Obiwankeoki.
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    Thank you all. pnutbutter I will look into your guilds. Hopefully I't doesn't come to contacting customer service Salacious_Slug but thanks for letting me know that it could be an option. Infinity1, pnutbutter... I am unfamiliar w/ Line chat. I take it is a private chat room that players can setup for solidarity/thoughts and each chat room can communicate between themselves?
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    Line is a corporation that provides free instant messaging through an app from my limited understanding of what I read. I will inquire if my fellow guild members use this app.
  • Fury77
    252 posts Member
    Wu Clan is a small growing guild, relaxed and chill but active and currently t4/t5.

    Pm me if ud like more info and good luck.

    tough situation for sure
  • Raymus_Papanoida1
    13 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    We've started a new guild. One Eyed Jedis. Our issue is now resolved if any of you would like to join there are still some vacancies. We're 98% veteran players. Thanks to all who gave advice.
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