Will Aalya Secura come to the free to play players after the event?

4 posts Member
edited June 2016

Will Aalya Secura come to the free to play players after the event? 93 votes

darksideSysyDhallkozakjanosKAULISeryaMithJediMasterGibsKYLO_SAM84SwordsLFDIxias0AmaltheaEwakawakaPadmeIsThisThomJohnnyudesgiggsyPhilosopherCodyJediMasterSavageVicSikho 47 votes
GenakumaDarthMessi1984XtremeFoddermccif16Rogan_Ban84MBL_66dano7591Dookiedog68WJ28PlasmajBoba_The_FetterLegoLegs_Drake23InternetSwagMikymateKamikazeRhombusZettoBoxmintxSkandarGraunxLaLiam 46 votes


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    Let's pray ! :) moar for the players, the better
    I choose the Red Pill.
  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Doubt it. They just made Leia f2p and most whales are really sore about it, seeking refunds and raising all kinds of noise with complaints to google and apple. I'm sure EA wouldn't want to make them even more angry by making Aayala free.
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    Eventually all P2P toons will become F2P, just takes time. Not really any reason for anyone to complain about it...
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The event will be in a regular base, so it won't end. And before a chromium went to f2p there must be a new chromium. Maybe next month it will happen.

    But beware, there will also be a Kit Fisto event.
    Drake23, Its a trap
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    I bet she will be next but it might be a few weeks. Stopped buying her in shipments and not doing refreshes on the event. If I can wait a few weeks I bet she will be F2P.
  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    Eventually all P2P toons will become F2P, just takes time. Not really any reason for anyone to complain about it...

    Yeah, you are not a whale to understand their logic ;) They are really upset and they really demand refunds for buying Leia from apple/google, and sometimes they do get it. I'm sure it'll affect EA's bottomline too so they will take steps to minimize damage (i.e. slow down and pace releases of chromium toons to f2p). This means no Ayala for f2p for at least a month.
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    No they are not, at least not the ones that understand how these type of games work. And EA could care less with the millions they are pulling in. Most whales understand how the P2P character function, and if not then they should have caught on after the first couple of chromium exclusives were released...
  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    No they are not, at least not the ones that understand how these type of games work. And EA could care less with the millions they are pulling in. Most whales understand how the P2P character function, and if not then they should have caught on after the first couple of chromium exclusives were released...
    Do you speak from experience or from your behind? Because I know whales who do demand money back, and some even got it.
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    Zetto wrote: »
    No they are not, at least not the ones that understand how these type of games work. And EA could care less with the millions they are pulling in. Most whales understand how the P2P character function, and if not then they should have caught on after the first couple of chromium exclusives were released...
    Do you speak from experience or from your behind? Because I know whales who do demand money back, and some even got it.

    "Whale" who get a refund are not whales. They are swimming cows.
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    I voted no, but I'd be thrilled if she was available for free after that event! Been wanting her for ages
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    No time limit given in question, but not in the next month.

    Kit is next, will they be giving away toons once a week?
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    I imagine it won't be too long before she is. A month or two. Maybe more. But I'll wait. Eventually she will come. Maybe I'll even have the resources to bring her beyond G7 when she finally does.
  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Zetto wrote: »
    Eventually all P2P toons will become F2P, just takes time. Not really any reason for anyone to complain about it...

    Yeah, you are not a whale to understand their logic ;) They are really upset and they really demand refunds for buying Leia from apple/google, and sometimes they do get it. I'm sure it'll affect EA's bottomline too so they will take steps to minimize damage (i.e. slow down and pace releases of chromium toons to f2p). This means no Ayala for f2p for at least a month.

    NO ONE will ever get money back for buying Leia before she was F2P. Ever. So please stop lying.
    Just go to Settings --> Legal and read the license agreement.
    Qui Gon Jinn was moved from chromium exclusive to F2P in MID JANUARY. That was over 5 months ago. We have had lando, old ben, tarkin and cad bane. No one was surprised with leia release. We knew they would release either leia or aayla (the 2 remaining popular original chromiums after gracing us with unpopular/weak toons with tarkin and cad bane).
    Whales have new exclusives, like rex who is in 100% of top arena teams, echo, sun fac, wedge, tusken shaman, etc to keep them busy.

    On topic:
    No, I don't believe Aayla will be F2P soon. I'm pretty sure Kit Fisto and Maul will come first and they will save her for later. Popular chromiums have been spaced in between less popular ones (QGJ followed by lando, ben followed by tarkin and cad bane). So i expect aayla about 2-3 months from now.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Why is this even a poll ? nobody here knows if she will or wont become f2p after the event, its pure speculation.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • jedi_wizardkill1
    9 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Why does the event say possible rewards 21 character shards when the prize is always 1 shard except the very first time on the first day of the event? If the prize is one shard always and you never get 21 shards then it's not possible and they are just lying or teasing or tricking? Or how's about actually giving the rewards that are said to be possible?
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    No. They're gonna give us Darth maul next because he is trash
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    I want aayla to be F2P.. But I know, she's not gonna be available after the event tho..
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Idk where all this talk of whales being **** over Leia is coming from. All my whale friends understand this and don't really care. The people you see complaining on the forums are prob not whales but dolphins or those who usually don't spend but did for this special circumstance.

    Also I voted no because I thought this meant immediately after the event and we just got Leia so it'll be a month before the next chrome exclusive is released.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Why does the event say possible rewards 21 character shards when the prize is always 1 shard except the very first time on the first day of the event? If the prize is one shard always and you never get 21 shards then it's not possible and they are just lying or teasing or tricking? Or how's about actually giving the rewards that are said to be possible?

    How's about reading the event description:
    "Completing all daily attempts in this tier can earn you up to X-million credits, Y character shards, etc."
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    All toons are, in principle, free to play. It just depends on how patient you are
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    Unless they have a big influx of characters that they're gonna add to chromium I highly doubt it
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    Next month when they add a new chromium, Kit Fisto will become f2p. It seems they're sort of alternating between good and bad chromiums.
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    It has been a badly mauled event (no pun) so to keep a lot of people happy and not lose rep over a character that really is only a top third character, better to make her grind able. Whales don't matter here as a lot of people got her and were unable to advance or use her after just getting her. The current event made things wort by the possible awards not working like any other in the game! They at this point have to chose between a few happy whales and a LOT of others that paid cash but we're not whales on their screw up.
  • Tommylew
    144 posts Member
    no, think they want us to unlock her at 3* then have to pay for her if we want to get her higher! Cant see her following yet as Leia only just came to F2P with easier access.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I'm not voting because I don't have a frame of reference, but I hope so. Leia just came out so that's the only reason I'd say not yet.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Davius
    432 posts Member
    my bet is that ayla and kit fisto will only be available through force champions events (and chromium). i expect these events to be recurring like yoda event, so releasing them for farming would be counterproductive.
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    I don't think they will release her after the event. There is no doubt she will become available for f2p eventually, just not after the event.
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